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  • Free Domestic Abuse App

    Free Domestic Abuse App

    The Bright Sky app looks like a weather app when you click on it, but there is a hidden side to the app where you can keep a log of abuse including voice recordings and photos. If you decide to press charges in the future, this log can also be used in evidence. The app has also got helpful information, definitions of abuse, advice and signposting.

  • Free Health Training

    Free Health Training

    Free health training for people with a Learning Disability or Autism and their families and parents is available online during March using Zoom. It is about understanding the 4 Major Health Issues – epilepsy, dysphagia, sepsis and constipation.

  • Dementia Carers Groups

    Dementia Carers Groups

    If you care for or support a person living with dementia a number of free carer group sessions to support you are available across the city, running for 12 weeks.The first 6 weeks explore dementia, giving carers/supporters a greater understanding of the impact dementia can have on the person they care for. The final 6 weeks look at how to support yourself as a carer of someone living with dementia.

  • Steering to Accessibility

    Steering to Accessibility

    A recent success of the Disability Steering Group set up by Sheffield City Trust and Disability Sheffield has been the development of the SCT website. It’s now much easier to plan a visit and access information about accessible activities and venues at SCT on the new ‘Accessibility’ pages, thanks to the great contribution of members of the Disability Steering Group. Check out the new pages and comment or get involved.

  • Ouch! It Doesn't Hurt

    Ouch! It Doesn't Hurt

    Ouch! may sound like a cry of pain but it can also be ‘the space where real disability talk matters’ if you connect with the BBC site of the same name.It offers a regular podcast featuring “interviews, life hacks and things you don’t say out loud”.

  • It's a Dice Thing but not Dicey!

    It's a Dice Thing but not Dicey!

    Dice Enterprise is a Doncaster based community organisation that provides a great range of events and activities for disabled people, mainly adults. In 2022 they have over 350 events and regular weekly activities planned and a Covid Safe Policy in place to keep safe and have fun.

  • Fuel Poverty Action Call

    Fuel Poverty Action Call

    Campaign group Fuel Poverty Action has launched a petition and organised a protest calling for ‘energy for all’ to fight rising gas and electricity bill charges. They are calling for the government to give everyone a free amount of energy to cover heating, cooking, and lighting, taking account of people’s actual needs related to their age, health, and housing.

  • Disability Union Launches Skills Academy

    Disability Union Launches Skills Academy

    The Disability Union, which describes itself as ‘the first union by and for disabled people and carers,’ has launched a pilot Skills Academy. It will enable Union members to access over 700 courses ranging from employability skills to new vocational accredited qualifications.

  • LGBT History Month and Parapride

    LGBT History Month and Parapride

    See a roundup of in-person and online activities from Sheffield-based organisers celebrating LGBT+ History Month 2022. Parapride has also launched a new digital project: Our Stories – a series of video testimonials that feature co-members of the LGBTQIA+ Disabled community, talking about ‘disability inclusion in the queer community’.

  • Appointment Support

    Appointment Support

    Do you need help getting through to your doctor or help with booking and getting to appointments? Do you know someone who does? Manor Castle and Development Trust are working with the NHS until the end of March 2022 to provide support to access NHS Services for people living in the Manor, Castle, Arbourthorne and Norfolk Park areas.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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