20 August 2024
Fancy a trip into Sheffield city centre but feel your mobility may make it difficult? The website sheffieldcitycentre.com – set up by Sheffield Business Improvement District – has produced information designed to help people get into and around the area, including mobility support.
FULL ARTICLE06 June 2024
Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm when we vote for our next government on Thursday 4 July. Local authorities have to ensure that the voting experience is accessible for everyone and we’re making you aware of important reminders and deadline dates in June that may affect you, if you wish to cast your vote, perhaps in an alternative way.
FULL ARTICLE25 April 2024
Our Sheffield Voices self advocacy group would like to invite you to their next Big Voice Conference on June 21st from 10am – 3pm at Sheffield Town Hall . The main theme for this conference is Access. This event is for people with a learning disability and Autistic people living in the Sheffield area and we also welcome service representatives.
FULL ARTICLE11 March 2023
Disability Rights UK is among a group of disability and accessibility organisations who have written a letter to NHS England to express disappointment at the lack of progress in reviewing the legally-binding Accessible Information Standard, saying people’s health and wellbeing have been put at direct risk from not receiving information in a way they can understand.
FULL ARTICLE09 January 2023
A failure to plan for fully accessible homes has been uncovered by BBC Freedom of Information requests to hundreds of local councils, underscoring what the Equality and Human Rights Commission has called a ““hidden crisis” in housing for disabled. Cities such as Sheffield, Coventry and Bradford currently have no quotas.
FULL ARTICLE17 June 2022
We’ve been speaking to people with autism, learning disabilities and severe mental health issues about what they need to feel safe, confident and positive in physical activity settings.If you work in a community organisation, leisure centre or run mainstream physical activities we’d love to welcome you to the project at our free event on Wednesday 20th July to share our findings and launch a new network to develop more accessible activities.
FULL ARTICLE01 June 2022
Local authorities across England need to ensure disabled people are at the heart of how their services operate says the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. His latest report shares the learning from his investigations to help councils, and other local services meet their legal duties to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to access their services, whatever their needs.
FULL ARTICLE23 April 2022
Our new ‘Healthy Living’ coproduction project aims to make Sheffield community based physical activity, exercise and health groups more accessible to people who are autistic, have a learning disability or live with severe mental ill health. As part of our research we are holding a focus group for carers ( including lunch ) on Tues 24th May 2022 from 10am to 12noon.
FULL ARTICLE05 April 2022
It’s irritating sometimes having to repeat your access requirements to various organisations, only to find they’ve been forgotten about, or lost, or you’ve missed something. Shaping Our Lives, has set up a free tool – the My Involvement Profile – designed by its members to record access and support needs which can then be shared with organisations before events or when you get involved in things such as focus groups.
FULL ARTICLE09 February 2022
A recent success of the Disability Steering Group set up by Sheffield City Trust and Disability Sheffield has been the development of the SCT website. It’s now much easier to plan a visit and access information about accessible activities and venues at SCT on the new ‘Accessibility’ pages, thanks to the great contribution of members of the Disability Steering Group. Check out the new pages and comment or get involved.
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Andrew Crooks
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