23 July 2020
Sheffield CCG has created a video of GP practice staff from across Sheffield reminding the public that they’re still open and #StillHereForYou. The video shows Sheffield GPs urging members of the public to visit their GP especially if they experience particular symptoms so that they can be treated quickly.
FULL ARTICLE29 June 2020
NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has produced a draft strategy for Sheffield which looks creatively at how people living with severe mental illness, learning disabilities, and autistic spectrum
condition can be supported to have the best possible physical health and live longer and healthier lives. As part of finalising the strategy the CCG has launched a survey asking for your views, which closes on 7 August 2020.
18 June 2020
A new support line has been launched to help young people with issues such as low mood, anxious thoughts and loneliness or challenges such as exam stress, relationship issues, bullying or isolation. Youth charity Sheffield Futures, NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group and Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust have come together to create the support line for young people in the city aged 12–18 .
FULL ARTICLE12 July 2017
NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is launching a special competition for carers and their families to design a logo for their ‘For Pete’s sake!’ initiative before the July 28th deadline.
These 3 group discussions in June with individuals and carers aim to develop the practice principles around Short Breaks.
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Andrew Crooks
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