24 August 2023
Sheffield Council are keen to know what your experience of using their new ‘Have Your Say Sheffield’ website has been and whether any changes are needed to make it more user friendly, effective and accessible for digital engagement with communities. Their survey closes on Monday 28 August.
FULL ARTICLE03 February 2023
If you are interested in contributing your thoughts to Sheffield’s Draft Local Plan you can do so individually, come along to the next Access Liaison Group meeting on the 8th of February at 10am on Zoom, or email your thoughts to us at Disability Sheffield by 10th of February.
FULL ARTICLE12 August 2022
Sheffield Parent Hub run by Sheffield City Council has a range of free programmes including seminars specifically designed for parents and carers of children with SEND .Groups are friendly, welcoming, and non-judgemental and those taking part have the opportunity to meet other parents and carers and share experiences and ideas.
FULL ARTICLE16 November 2021
Following its closure during the pandemic, Mobile Sheffield has now been relaunched with a new base, moving to Sheffield BID’s Surrey Street location next to The Winter Gardens. The scheme offers reliable products to ensure people with walking difficulties or disabilities can access shops and local amenities. No blue badge is needed but you must book in advance.
FULL ARTICLE21 April 2021
Now that we’re officially easing out of lockdown, Sheffield’s ‘Make Yourself at Home’ is a collection of stories and updates showcasing what Sheffield has to offer over Spring, including events, making the most of our outdoor city, drinks and dining places and local delivery providers.Plus Beat the Street is coming soon to transform Sheffield into a giant game which you can play from 16 June – 28 July.
FULL ARTICLE13 November 2020
Consultation on new transport projects in the city is starting soon. Sheffield City Council is launching a new project called ‘Connecting Sheffield’, which will focus on encouraging active travel and support the shift towards sustainable transport in and around the city. Disability Sheffield will be providing feedback so please get in touch with us if you’re interested in being involved.
FULL ARTICLE06 February 2020
#SpeakUp is back! Healthwatch have launched the third round of their small grants programme, designed for community, voluntary, and not-for-profit groups to help their communities to speak up about their health and social care. Applications are open until 27th February 2020.
FULL ARTICLE23 October 2019
Sheffield City Council wants to hear from as many people as possible, of all ages and backgrounds, from every part of Sheffield, about the issues that affect you, your communities and your city. The Big City Conversation will be a chance to tell the council (and partners who work with them) about the things you need, the things that affect you, and how you feel you can influence decisions around these issues. Their next event is on Wednesday October 30 from 6 – 8pm at the Town Hall.
The Sheffield City Partnership want to hear your views on life in Sheffield. What’s good, what’s bad and what could be improved. This is your chance to give your views before the findings are presented at the State of Sheffield engagement event on 17th May.
FULL ARTICLE26 April 2018
If you ever wanted to know what state Sheffield is in – and we don’t meant South Yorkshire! – this latest report, commissioned by the Sheffield City Partnership, looks at how Sheffield is changing over time and how we compare with other major cities in the UK. This year, it covers 5 key areas, which relate to the Board’s work on building a sustainable and inclusive economy.
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