Disability Sheffield
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  • Celebrating Deaf Awareness Week

    Celebrating Deaf Awareness Week

    We’re saying Hello to celebrate Deaf Awareness Week! This year’s theme, ‘BSL in Our Hands’ is about children’s education and access to the languages of BSL and English from an early age. There’s also a new report from the RNID saying the way deaf people are valued, supported and communicated with in our society really does matter. It matters to us too.

  • BSL Acting Intensive Course

    BSL Acting Intensive Course

    Are you deaf and into acting? If so you could benefit from a new course being held this summer. BSL Acting Intensive is described as ‘a fun, practical and intensive week of deaf-led actor training.’ The five-day course is created by the Royal Central School Of Speech and Drama and Deafinitely Theatre in collaboration with Graeae Theatre Company.

  • LBGT+ History Month

    LBGT+ History Month

    The theme of this year’s LGBT+ History Month recognises the important contribution to the fields of medicine and healthcare made by LGBT+ people. NHS Sheffield is celebrating the month with 2 blogs from staff members. Deaf Rainbow UK has launched a glossary of terms to help Deaf members of the LBGT+ community get their points across.

  • D/deaf Participants Needed for Research Video

    D/deaf Participants Needed for Research Video

    Sheffield University’s Faculty of Social Sciences are working with academics from the School of Education to create a video for a research project into how captions in films and TV could be changed to improve Deaf audiences’ viewing. They are looking for two people who identify as D/deaf and use BSL as their first language to appear in the video and you will be paid for your time.

  • Prompt Action For Deaf Drivers

    Prompt Action For Deaf Drivers

    There are various adjustments that can be made for drivers with disabilities but people taking a driving test still have to drive to the same standard as everyone else in order to pass. The Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency has made adjustments for learner drivers who are deaf or have a hearing impairment to follow instructions by following prompt cards held up by their examiners during their car driving tests.

  • Connect Through Creativity Callout

    Connect Through Creativity Callout

    Criptic Arts are looking for online facilitators to deliver creative and engaging events over Zoom in spoken English or BSL for a year-long series of weekly workshops and activities called Connect through Creativity. This opportunity is only open to deaf and disabled people.

  • Cause to Celebrate Deaf Awareness Week

    Cause to Celebrate Deaf Awareness Week

    In the UK alone, there are over 10 million people living with some form of hearing loss. . One of the reasons to particularly celebrate Deaf Awareness Week ( 2-8 May ) this year is that British Sign Language has now been declared a language in its own right in England, Scotland and Wales due to new legislation, the BSL Act , which was passed last week and is supported by a package of measures.

  • Deaf People's PIP Claims Reviewed After Judgement

    Deaf People's PIP Claims Reviewed After Judgement

    The Department for Work and Pensions is reviewing many Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claims lodged by D/deaf people since August 2020.The review will take account of an Upper Tribunal judgement which increased the numbers of D/deaf people obtaining the benefit. Applicants do not need to provide any further evidence or attend an assessment and awards will be backdated.

  • BSL Bill Progress

    BSL Bill Progress

    The British Deaf Association is delighted with the unanimous cross-party support for the British Sign Language Bill on its second reading in the House of Commons on 28 January.The BDA now calls upon Ministers and MPs to do everything in their power to get the British Sign Language Bill to Royal Assent in this parliamentary session and deliver long- overdue recognition, inclusion and equality to the Deaf community in Britain.

  • Woman Wins Battle Over BSL At Covid Briefings

    Woman Wins Battle Over BSL At Covid Briefings

    A deaf woman from Yorkshire won a claim against the government after a judge found a lack of sign language at two Covid briefings “served to disempower, to frustrate and to marginalise”.Ms Rowley launched the court action against Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove in relation to the “data briefings” on 21 September and 12 October 2020.

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Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback