04 December 2020
Sheffield’s Race Equality Commission will hold its first public hearing on Tuesday 8 December from 10am to 4.30pm to examine evidence of racial inequalities within health and healthcare in Sheffield.The hearings will be thematic with the first focusing on ‘Health’. The Commission will hear from speakers from across the healthcare industry on their experiences of racial inequalities in the sector and what they’re doing to tackle the issue. The meeting will take place online and members of the public are invited to watch via Zoom.
FULL ARTICLE17 August 2020
The Commission On Social Security launched its 8 proposals to improve the benefits system on 12 August – with hundreds watching online. Now they are looking for more people to take part in their consultation about the proposals. The organisation was set up in May last year and all the commissioners are Experts By Experience, coming from claimant/user-led groups and Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations.
FULL ARTICLE14 August 2020
Sheffield’s new Race Equality Commission is calling for submissions of evidence to support its inquiry into race inequality in Sheffield and looking for volunteers to join its group of commissioners to contribute expertise throughout the inquiry. We are keen that the voices of disabled people experiencing race inequality are heard so please submit your experiences to the Commission by the deadline of 18 September 2020.
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