19 March 2019
The MS Society, which researches and campaigns for people affected by the neurological disorder multiple sclerosis, has launched two surveys to find out the views of people who have MS and also their families and friends. The surveys, which close on May 31, are aimed at fuelling campaigns for fair, relevant policy and improved healthcare.
FULL ARTICLE15 January 2019
The Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society sometimes invites people with MS to take part in their surveys, to help them shape their research and policies. If you’re living with MS and usually DON’T fill out their surveys they want to find out why and how they can better engage with you.
FULL ARTICLE02 August 2018
These free exercise tasters in September give people with Multiple Sclerosis the chance to try new activities at their local leisure centre.The venues are fully accessible, wheelchair friendly with good parking and transport links.
FULL ARTICLE18 January 2018
Do you or someone you know have a diagnosis of MS?
Do you live in Rotherham? Would you like to be part of a FREE 12 week MS specialist exercise pilot project in April 2018?
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