23 August 2024
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals have updated their site maps and guides to indicate where all the disabled parking spaces are, in case there are any which patients are not aware of. This follows feedback from Disability Sheffield’s learning disability and autism self advocacy group, Sheffield Voices members about their lived experience of parking there.
FULL ARTICLE17 April 2024
With local election imminent and a general election sometime this year we want to remind people there are more accessibility aids available and you can request other adjustments. You also need to know about a rule change for submitting postal votes at polling stations and council buildings.
FULL ARTICLE14 March 2024
Disability Sheffield volunteer John Quinn ( pictured right ) has started to stage new moves in his writing career – with two of his plays being performed in the city soon. A short piece of his has been chosen for a night of new work to be held at Theatre Deli in Sheffield on Tuesday April 9th and a full-length work will be seen at Sheffield Theatres in the summer.
FULL ARTICLE24 January 2024
Do you have an interest in accessibility of local public transport (bus, tram, and rail)? Sheffield Transport 4 All is looking for new members and would like to hear from you!
FULL ARTICLE16 July 2023
Sheffield Transport 4 All members have noticed additional smart ticket reading equipment arriving on buses in the City. Are you interested in the accessibility of the equipment, or the process of Tapping on and Tapping Off? If so this is your chance to find out more and talk about accessibility from reaching the machine, to what it means if you don’t successfully Tap Out.
FULL ARTICLE25 November 2021
Jamie Preece, a volunteer with Sheffield Cycling 4 All, part of Disability Sheffield, is one of the performers taking part in a show on Monday 29 November starting at 7.30 organised by LaughAble. The monthly comedy club showcases performers with disabilities and mental health conditions and aims to make performing and viewing accessible to everyone, with some shows taking place online and captioned.
FULL ARTICLE15 July 2020
South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive is carrying out a public consultation to find out how different communities travelled before the lockdown, how their travel has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and how this has affected their future travel plans. Everyone completing the survey will be entered into a draw to win one of three £50 Love2shop vouchers. The consultation closes on 24 July 2020.
FULL ARTICLE10 July 2020
Now that the coronavirus lockdown is easing and the public is getting out and about more there is a lack of information about how ‘safe’ certain venues are for disabled people. So Euan’s Guide, a site that offers access reviews written by disabled people, has introduced a feature where reviewers can comment on hygiene and whether social distancing rules are being stuck to.
FULL ARTICLE11 March 2020
Disabled passengers on Sheffield and Rotherham’s Supertram now have the option of downloading and printing cards that let staff know that they may require assistance and what sort of help is needed. The Passenger Assistance Cards contain a message saying ‘please be patient’ or include a selection of options such as stating that the user is deaf, has a visual impairment or has difficulty communicating or has hidden disabilities.
FULL ARTICLE29 November 2019
The national charity supporting adults and young people with autism, learning disabilities, mental health conditions and complex needs since 1986, has a new award winning ‘Recite-me’ toolbar allowing visitors to customise the website so it works best for them, which is especially important for website users who have a range of neurodiverse conditions and disabilities.
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Andrew Crooks
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