04 April 2024
This week marks the launch of “My Employment Plan”, a tool coproduced by people with lived experience and employment organisations across South Yorkshire. The plan helps a person and their employer talk about and agree on things that might help them both in the workplace, sometimes called ‘reasonable adjustments’.
FULL ARTICLE03 February 2023
If you are interested in contributing your thoughts to Sheffield’s Draft Local Plan you can do so individually, come along to the next Access Liaison Group meeting on the 8th of February at 10am on Zoom, or email your thoughts to us at Disability Sheffield by 10th of February.
FULL ARTICLE28 February 2022
An organisation which calls for rules to protect disabled people who are living in potentially unsafe housing conditions is urging them to write to their MPs to help ensure better evacuation plans. Claddag advocates for disabled people caught up in the building safety scandal, which came to light after the tragic events at Grenfell Tower.
FULL ARTICLE23 February 2022
The Prime Minister has announced an end to all remaining Covid restrictions in England, including the legal requirement to self-isolate. Some changes will come into effect on 24 April, others not until 1 April.Disability Rights UK has stated that the ‘removal of restrictions without consideration of those still at risk is genuinely horrifying’.
FULL ARTICLE24 January 2022
The Prime Minister has announced that England’s Plan B measures will end on Thursday January 27th including compulsory mask-wearing on public transport and in shops. Equality campaigners are calling on the Government to reverse their decision as many disabled and vulnerable people are still shielding at home and do not feel safe to go out.
FULL ARTICLE22 September 2021
Sheffield City Council is inviting feedback on their new draft Adult Health and Social Care Strategy, called ‘Living the life you want to live’.Alexis Chappell, Director of Adult Health and Social Care will be sharing more detail on the strategy in a Q&A session on 28 September and you are invited to workshops on 7 & 20 October.
FULL ARTICLE16 September 2021
The Government has issued new guidance on the COVID-19 response in an Autumn and Winter Plan for England. Plan A introduces an enhanced vaccination programme offering a first dose of vaccine to 12-15 year olds and a booster dose to individuals who received vaccination in Phase 1 of the COVID-19 vaccination programme. If the data suggests the NHS is likely to come under unsustainable pressure, the Government has prepared a Plan B.
FULL ARTICLE27 January 2020
Last year Healthwatch England asked their national network of local organisations to find out from local people what they thought about the NHS Long Term Plan. Healthwatch Sheffield have launched their report on the responses of people in Sheffield to the 10 year plan.
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