26 September 2024
As part of the ESRC Festival of Social Sciences, Disability Sheffield’s learning disability self advocacy group Sheffield Voices and the University of Sheffield are hosting an event on 28th October from 3 to 7pm about hospitalisation and delayed discharge of people with learning disabilities and autistic people ,the impact it has on their life and those who care about them.
FULL ARTICLE04 March 2024
We are working in partnership with Sunderland People First and the University of Sheffield to carry out this research project . We are trying to find people with a learning disability and carers who look after people with a learning disability, who do not have a social care budget or any formal support. We can give you vouchers worth £45, to interview you online about what your lives look like.
FULL ARTICLE13 October 2023
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation has worked with family carers and advocacy partners (Bringing Us Together, Advonet, Cloverleaf, Warrington Speak Up and Pathways Associates) to produce a practical advocacy guide for family carers who have an adult relative who has a learning disability or is autistic and who have been or may be admitted to a mental health service.
FULL ARTICLE23 August 2023
Do you have a learning disability and have good ideas about how to make life better for people with a learning disability, autistic people and their families? If so you may wish to volunteer to be on Inclusion North’s Board of Directors. The closing date for applications is Friday September 8th.
FULL ARTICLE23 June 2023
The Speakup Team is asking what you think of when you hear the word ‘grooming.’ There are lots of ways someone may groom a person and build up a friendship and trust only to use that against them later. For learning disability week, check out this video, which talks about this difficult subject.
We are looking to recruit a Project Support Worker. The successful applicant will be working in a small but busy team assisting with the day to day running of Sheffield Voices, our learning disability self-advocacy project. The closing date for applications to be received is 5pm 9th June 2023
A free online event to help people with learning disabilities, autism and their families and friends understand the Mental Capacity Act is set to have two sessions on 6th and 20th June. It will explain clearly how rights are protected when important decisions are made, and what has to happen if, in the future, you are unable to make decisions for yourself.
FULL ARTICLE02 March 2023
Disability Sheffield’s learning disability and Autism group, Sheffield Voices, is holding their next ‘We Speak You Listen’ event at Hillsborough Arena on 17th March from 10am-2pm including lunch (provided).This month we will be creating drama, art and stories around the learning disability communities experiences in the Covid pandemic and discussing our human rights, all with a tie in to the red nose day event around the same theme.
FULL ARTICLE07 November 2022
Sheffield Voices would like to announce their next, We Speak You Listen event at Hillsborough Arena on 18th November from 10-2pm. Sheffield Voices are working in partnership with Sheffield Health and Social Care and Healthwatch to find out what people want mental health services for people with learning disabilities and Autism to look like going forward.
FULL ARTICLE02 November 2022
Speakup Self Advocacy are running some free Energy Saving Zoom workshop sessions in November for people with learning disabilities, autistic people and carers to explain how Smart Meters can help to save money on your Electricity and Gas Bills.
FULL ARTICLESign up to our latest news on local and national disability related issues and events
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Andrew Crooks
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