10 June 2024
This new Community Youth Services group is inviting 13 to 24 years olds with a Special Educational Need or Disability to help to make SEND services better for young people in Sheffield. It’s a chance to talk about and share your experiences and ideas with decision makers. meet new people and make new friends. Check out SEND youth clubs as well.
Over the past 10 months, Sheffield City Council has been working in partnership with the Sheffield Parent Carer Forum, and through engagement with parents and carers, to coproduce a new Preparing for Adulthood – Transition Guide for young people with SEND. You can give your feedback in a quick survey.
FULL ARTICLE14 September 2022
Autism Plus is offering a new free employment support programme for young adults ( 18 -24 yr olds) with SEND in Sheffield. The programme is person centred, delivered on a 1-1 basis with some optional group sessions, focusing on areas such as confidence boosting, identifying and understanding their own needs, independence skills, money management, preparing for interviews and reasonable adjustments in the workplace.
FULL ARTICLE12 August 2022
Sheffield Parent Hub run by Sheffield City Council has a range of free programmes including seminars specifically designed for parents and carers of children with SEND .Groups are friendly, welcoming, and non-judgemental and those taking part have the opportunity to meet other parents and carers and share experiences and ideas.
FULL ARTICLE16 June 2022
Childnet’s new project, Thrive Online, is designed to spark conversations about using the internet in a safe and meaningful way.These free resources for educators, parents and carers of young people aged 11 and over with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities ( SEND ) cover the important topics of healthy relationships, digital wellbeing and online pornography.
FULL ARTICLE23 March 2022
Sheffield SENDIAS, which offers information, advice and support over Special Educational Needs and Disability, is now running free weekly Zoom information sessions to help parents, carers and young people understand SEND support and EHC Plans.
FULL ARTICLE30 July 2020
The Special Needs Jungle decided to carry out a Coronavirus and SEND survey after hearing parental accounts of risk assessments being utilised by schools during lockdown, to prevent children with SEND returning to school. They wanted to determine how widespread this was, as well as other experiences of families mid-pandemic. Their report claims that many families received little or nothing from their child’s school and that 75% of schools ignored Government risk assessment guidance during the lockdown, with parents and young people often left out of the risk assessment process.
FULL ARTICLE14 July 2020
Sheffield City Council have produced a questionnaire hoping to hear from families who have a child with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND) about any concerns they have regarding the return to school in September. The questionnaire is open until Friday 24 July.
FULL ARTICLE22 June 2020
Sheffield City Council and Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group have published the ‘Sheffield Inclusion Strategy’ setting out their commitments to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) . The local area SEND inspection in November 2018 identified significant weaknesses.
FULL ARTICLE05 August 2019
If you are a parent or carer of a child with a Special Educational Need and/or Disability (SEND) then Sheffield City Council would like your help to develop their new Inclusion Strategy for Sheffield. The survey is open until Sunday 22 September 2019
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Andrew Crooks
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