29 June 2022
NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group and Sheffield City Council are working together to develop plans for next year to help make the people of Sheffield healthier and stay independent, safe and well. The CCG has released a report based on its consultation findings with residents from across Sheffield including work undertaken by Disability Sheffield and other Voluntary, Community and Faith sector organisations, to gain feedback from diverse groups of people.
FULL ARTICLE03 July 2019
NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group has just released its new five-year strategy aimed at improving the health adn wellbeing of the city’s population. The strategy includes a detailed plan for tackling health inequalities for people in the city who are worst off and have been disproportionately affected by continuing austerity.
FULL ARTICLE20 June 2019
An invitation has gone out from the NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group to attend their Annual General Meeting on Thursday July 11th from 2to 4pm to hear what the CCG has achieved over the past year, its challenges and plans for the future. The theme for this year is discussing your ideas for how to improve the health of the people of Sheffield, by providing more services closer to home.
FULL ARTICLE28 February 2019
Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group is asking you to share your experiences of urgent care services in the city. This can be based on your experiences or those of someone you care for.The CCG, has been holding a series of meetings with patients and professionals recently but has decided to reach out to the general public by launching a survey.
FULL ARTICLE10 December 2018
If you want to get involved in a new group making Health & Social Care Services work better for people in Sheffield, Healthwatch Sheffield are holding three information sessions in January to recruit people who use health and social care services, their families and carers. Please book a place by 22nd December.
FULL ARTICLE21 December 2017
South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation has been commissioned by the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to give a voice to seldom heard groups across South Yorkshire regarding five NHS provisions.Phase 2 of the community consultation has now begun and you can take part by completing a short survey. Please note the deadline is 24th January 2018
FULL ARTICLE31 October 2017
South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation has been commissioned by the Clinical Commissioning Group to give a voice to seldom heard groups across South Yorkshire regarding five NHS provisions:Urgent care; Maternity;Unwell Children;Strokes ;Gastroenterology. Find out how to give your views in various ways.
FULL ARTICLE19 October 2017
Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group has recently revealed plans to open a new Urgent Treatment Centre at the Northern General and close both the Minor Injuries Unit at the Hallamshire Hospital and the Broad Lane Walk-in Centre near the city centre.The deadline for giving your views is Monday 18th December.
FULL ARTICLE13 September 2017
The APM takes place on Thursday September 28th from 2-4pm at Sheffield United’s Ambassador Suite. If you want to submit a question for the panel of directors mail it by the 21st.
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