23 February 2021
The Covid-19 crisis has pushed individuals and families into financial hardship and some people do not have enough money to afford to eat a nutritiously adequate diet. Sheffield City Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee has set up a working group to look at Food Poverty in Sheffield. If you have been affected by food poverty you can let the Council know about your experience on their consultation hub until 14th March 2021 .
FULL ARTICLE30 October 2019
The Disability Hub joins forces with Healthwatch Sheffield’s Health & Wellbeing Forum on Monday 2nd December 2019 from 1:30pm-4:00pm at The Circle to explore how financial pressures and hardship are impacting on people’s ability to keep themselves well. Join us for information sharing, dialogue and ideas as we hear from local experts from the Clinical Commissioning Group, Sheffield City Council and voluntary and community sector as well as stories from individuals.
FULL ARTICLE09 October 2019
Sheffield is the 57th most deprived local authority in England says a new report – which counts rates of health and disability among its factors. The Indices Of Deprivation 2019 is the follow-up to similar reports from 2015 and 2010. Other factors considered are income, employment, education and training, barriers to housing and services, crime and the living environment.
FULL ARTICLE26 September 2017
Are you a disabled woman and a single parent? If so the Money Matters project would love to hear from you. They want to interview as many disabled women as possible, in confidence, about what it’s like to be a single parent with a disability and highlight possible solutions and coping mechanisms which might assist other women.
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Andrew Crooks
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