09 May 2022
We think everyone with a learning disability or autism should get good healthcare. Disability Sheffield is hosting a series of events during the week of 16th-20th May to find out what people’s experiences are of accessing healthcare in Sheffield. if you have a learning disability , autism or you are a carer, do join us. We’ll also send out a survey and offer a phoneline for two weeks so you can call and leave messages for us to tell us what you think.
FULL ARTICLE07 September 2020
Due to the coronavirus crisis many medical and care appointments that would have taken place face-to-face are now conducted digitally which can prove difficult. This report provides top tips for patients and professional helping you to get the most from the virtual health and care experience.
FULL ARTICLE03 April 2020
To help UK health and social care workers respond to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) has created a FREE, open access Coronavirus e-learning programme. The course is available to the entire UK health and care workforce, including people working in the NHS, the independent sector and social care.
FULL ARTICLE19 March 2019
The MS Society, which researches and campaigns for people affected by the neurological disorder multiple sclerosis, has launched two surveys to find out the views of people who have MS and also their families and friends. The surveys, which close on May 31, are aimed at fuelling campaigns for fair, relevant policy and improved healthcare.
FULL ARTICLE17 September 2018
Researchers from the University of Sheffield are holding a number of workshops to hear your views on ‘The ideal urgent and emergency care system.’ Refreshments and a light lunch or dinner will be provided and you will also receive a £30 high-street shopping voucher if you attend a workshop.
FULL ARTICLE12 September 2018
If you or a member of your family has had a Continuing Health Assessment in the last year, Healthwatch Sheffield invite you to take part in a focus group to discuss your experiences on Monday September 24th at the Circle. Places are limited so please get in touch as soon as possible.
FULL ARTICLE11 January 2018
Speak up about health care and you can gain a grant thanks to a new initiative launched by Healthwatch Sheffield.Not for profit, third sector, voluntary or community groups can apply for the grants of up to £500 and have until January 31 to apply.
FULL ARTICLE03 January 2017
A nationwide sepsis awareness campaign has been launched to help parents and carers of young children recognise the symptoms of sepsis.
FULL ARTICLE15 September 2016
Access to care depends increasingly on what people can afford and where they live, rather than on what they need, claims report published by the Kings Fund and the Nuffield Trust.
FULL ARTICLE08 September 2016
A £20 gift voucher is being offered by the University of Bristol if you can help with research about the experiences disabled people have of reasonable adjustments at hospital, and how they can be improved.
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Andrew Crooks
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