02 March 2023
Disability Sheffield’s learning disability and Autism group, Sheffield Voices, is holding their next ‘We Speak You Listen’ event at Hillsborough Arena on 17th March from 10am-2pm including lunch (provided).This month we will be creating drama, art and stories around the learning disability communities experiences in the Covid pandemic and discussing our human rights, all with a tie in to the red nose day event around the same theme.
FULL ARTICLE07 November 2022
Sheffield Voices would like to announce their next, We Speak You Listen event at Hillsborough Arena on 18th November from 10-2pm. Sheffield Voices are working in partnership with Sheffield Health and Social Care and Healthwatch to find out what people want mental health services for people with learning disabilities and Autism to look like going forward.
FULL ARTICLE22 September 2021
Sheffield Mind’s Listening Line service has expanded its remit and can now offer a listening service to all people over 18 years of age. If you’re feeling anxious about Covid-19 and what happens now, or you have concerns about the vaccine, or you’re experiencing loneliness or isolation and you’d like to talk about it, you can call and speak to a friendly operator who’ll listen and where appropriate, give advice about local services which you might like to approach for support.
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Andrew Crooks
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