07 March 2019
Could you be the next Nikki Fox? ( pictured ). The Star newspaper in Sheffield is looking for people from under-represented communities – including disabled people – who would like the chance to become a journalist for them. Editor Nancy Fielder will be at the Virgin Money Lounge on Fargate from 3.30pm-5.30pm on Thursday, March 14, to answer any questions you may have or email Nancy with your CV and a letter saying why you would like the job.
FULL ARTICLE02 July 2018
Kathryn Littlewood, our colleague on secondment at the DWP and her team, have organised a Careers Fair for disabled people at the Town Hall on Wednesday 11 July from 1.30 to 3pm . Find out about roles and recruitment with the Fire Service, SY Police, Sheffield City Council, the NHS, Sheffield Hallam University and Sheffield Colleges.
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