04 March 2021
The census is a unique survey that happens every 10 years. It provides a snapshot of all the people and households in Britain – the most detailed information we have about our society – on one particular day. Census Day is Sunday 21 March 2021. It’s important you complete your questionnaire and lots of support is available should you need it.
FULL ARTICLE02 September 2020
The Office for National Statistics has released its third set of data showing the impacts of Coronavirus on disabled people during July – revealing that disabled people were more likely to go out to attend medical appointments or take care of others than non-disabled people, and less likely to be socialising and eating out.
FULL ARTICLE18 December 2019
As the year closes the Office for National Statistics has released a series of statistics called ‘Being Disabled In 2019’. There are seven subsets of data covering disabled people’s experiences of: Wellbeing, Employment, Loneliness, Education, Social Participation, Housing and Crime that Disability Rights UK have designed into a series of graphs.
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Andrew Crooks
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