24 January 2022
South Yorkshire Police and the National Autistic Society have worked together to create an Autism Alert Photo ID Card to help the police and other emergency services workers communicate with autistic people more effectively. It is hoped that use of the card will help people with autism feel more comfortable in what could potentially be stressful or frightening situations. A free card is also available for people with a learning disability.
FULL ARTICLE03 June 2021
Carers Week ( 7 – 13 June ) is an annual event that raises awareness and celebrates the massive contribution that unpaid carers make to our communities by providing a wide range of help and support to relatives and friends. Check out special offers and events for carers during the week.
FULL ARTICLE25 October 2017
Look no further ! Sheffield Voices learning disability group has launched a new fundraising Christmas card ( see picture ) featuring a festive drawing by members of the group with the message: ‘A time for happiness, time for friendship, a time for loved ones. Happy Christmas for all.” Very festive!
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