Disability Sheffield
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  • A Really Smart Way To Help Out

    A Really Smart Way To Help Out

    A Sheffield charity which helps unemployed people to get dressed for success has opened its own online boutique of pre-loved clothing for sale to boost their income. The Suit Works support unemployed people of all ages who are trying to get into work by giving them a styling session, informal interview skills and free smart interview appropriate-clothing .

  • #DisabilityWorks and the Government Green Paper Improving Lives: Work, Health and Disability

    Many top businesses see the value of employing disabled people in Sheffield, and Sheffield City Council are working with businesses in the city to help them recruit, train and develop disabled talent from across the region.

    The Disability Works Campaign is a partnership with The Sheffield Star, local businesses, Sheffield City Council, Jobcentre Plus and local disability organisations to provide tailored support to make it easy for employers to recruit disabled people.

    During the #Disability Works campaign Disability Sheffield intend to respond to the Government’s green paper and consultation, Improving Lives: Work, Health and Disability, which was launched at the end of October.

  • APPG for Disability Inquiry into Halving the Disability Employment Gap

    The All Party Parliamentary Group for Disability invites written submissions to inform its inquiry into how the Government can fulfil its pledge to halve the disability employment gap. We would therefore like to ask disabled people to share their feelings and any personal stories of bearing the effects of unemployment or trying to stay in work. Please feel free to share them with us and let us know if you are happy to use them as examples in our response. We are happy to anonymise them if you would prefer.

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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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