06 September 2023
Warm Homes Sheffield is a partnership between Sheffield City Council and energy experts AgilityEco. It provides a route to access a number of energy saving programmes that can help Sheffield residents to reduce energy use and stay warm and well. It provides a range of fully-funded energy efficiency improvements for your home.
FULL ARTICLE05 April 2022
Many disabled people are having harsh challenges trying to get vital adaptations to their home, with long waits and some having to resort to crowdfunding to pay for them, an investigation has revealed. The Bureau Of Invesigative Journalism through its ‘Bureau Local’ team, which works on stories that matter to communities across the UK, has been looking into Disabled Facilities Grants.
FULL ARTICLE30 October 2018
In 2017, Healthwatch Sheffield launched #SpeakUp Small Grants aimed at local not for profit, third sector, voluntary or community groups, to enable them to run projects that help local people share their experiences of health and care services in Sheffield. DAWS Community Gym held an ‘Ampu Tea & Chat’ session to obtain feedback from service users at Northern General Hospital’s Mobility and Specialised Rehabilitation Centre.
FULL ARTICLE11 January 2018
Speak up about health care and you can gain a grant thanks to a new initiative launched by Healthwatch Sheffield.Not for profit, third sector, voluntary or community groups can apply for the grants of up to £500 and have until January 31 to apply.
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Andrew Crooks
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