Disability Sheffield
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  • Disability Sheffield Volunteer John Playing Away

    Disability Sheffield Volunteer John Playing Away

    Disability Sheffield volunteer John Quinn ( pictured right ) has started to stage new moves in his writing career – with two of his plays being performed in the city soon. A short piece of his has been chosen for a night of new work to be held at Theatre Deli in Sheffield on Tuesday April 9th and a full-length work will be seen at Sheffield Theatres in the summer.

  • Discover The Social Model...And More

    Discover The Social Model...And More

    A Sheffield venue is this week presenting the first part of an event aimed at providing new perspectives on disability.
    Theatre Deli on Arley Street is playing host to The Social Model…And More Festival 2023, curated by artist Caroline Mawer, exploring new perspectives on disability and the relationship between disabled people and the world.

  • Lantern Shines Light on New Theatrical Talent

    Lantern Shines Light on New Theatrical Talent

    We are so proud that our very own news volunteer, John Quinn’s playlet, Marks of Respect, is featured in the Lantern Theatre’s New Writing Festival starting from Wednesday October 12th to Saturday 15th John took part in a theatre course for deaf and disabled people earlier this year, organised by Ramps on the Moon and Leeds Playhouse and partly held at The Crucible Theatre

  • Play Plans Prove To Be A Big Success

    Play Plans Prove To Be A Big Success

    A Sheffield Theatres’ scheme to get disabled people involved in theatre work has proved to be a great success with live performances taking place at a popular Yorkshire venue.Several of those involved on the courses – both on the teaching and being taught sides – were Sheffield-based, including our very own Disability Sheffield news volunteer, John Quinn.

  • Under The Stars and On Stage

    Under The Stars and On Stage

    Members of performing arts organisation Under The Stars will be acting up at the end of this month and the start of next – with two separate shows at the Crucible Theatre.The Sheffield based charity uses the performing arts to enhance the lives of people with learning disabilities and/or autism. ‘Freedonia’ takes place on Tuesday May 31 and ‘The Many Journeys of Maria Rossini’ the following evening, both in the Studio Theatre starting at 7pm.

  • Interested in a Career in Theatre?

    Interested in a Career in Theatre?

    Sheffield Theatres is co-hosting three introductory courses for deaf and disabled people who are interested in pursuing careers in directing, producing and writing. The free courses are aimed at people right at the beginning of their careers, and no previous experience is necessary. The deadline for applications is 14 February 2022 .

  • Can you Supply Splints For Stage Production?

    Can you Supply Splints For Stage Production?

    Do you have a set of spare leg splints? If so they could be used as props in a forthcoming play. Kate Martinwood, an actress based in Sheffield, has received Arts Council funding to research and develop ‘Life Of Ryan’, a comedy with a strong element of dance with performers including a professional disabled dancer and three non-disabled actors all of whom are locally based. Kate is a carer herself to her disabled son Ryan.

  • Sheffield Theatres Launchpad Project Returns

    Sheffield Theatres Launchpad Project Returns

    The Launchpad project, designed to help adults with learning disabilities and/or autism develop skills in drama and performance, is back and looking for new recruits. Organised by Sheffield Theatres, it gives participants the opportunity to work with professionals to develop their performance skills in weekly workshops building skills in areas such as improvisation, storytelling and movement , working together to create a performance for the Crucible Studio theatre. The deadline for applications is Friday 21 February.

  • Fading into Nothingness at the Merlin Theatre

    Fading into Nothingness at the Merlin Theatre

    The Merlin is proud to present the opening of ‘Fading into Nothingness ‘ on January 17th, 18th and 19th written by Theo Griffiths, a former student of Freeman College. ‘Fading into Nothingness’ is a short play about a Sheffield family torn apart by grief and how they cope with their teenage son, Zack (played by Theo) who is autistic and already struggling in mainstream school.

  • All Change At The Theatre

    All Change At The Theatre

    Spectrum Theatre, an integrated theatre group in Sheffield which contains both autistic and non-autistic members, is holding a performance of its latest play this weekend called All Change. The Performance is on Saturday 21st September at 7.30 at the Merlin Theatre in Nether Edge.

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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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