13 December 2022
Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care has recently set up a free scheme to provide practical assistance to the over 65s to get rooms winter ready.Their team can help to move, for example ,furniture into or out of a room or away from radiators, retrieve stored blankets/clothes and collect small white goods such as heaters.
FULL ARTICLE18 February 2021
Healthwatch Sheffield and Disability Sheffield want to hear from people who use home care, their families and loved ones to find out how services have been working for you. What works well, what doesn’t and how you would like to see things change. Join us to talk about homecare at our online event on Wednesday 17th March 2021 from 2-4pm .
FULL ARTICLE14 October 2020
For the past few months Get Yourself Active has been undertaking research with the aim of finding out the experiences of disabled people around getting physically active during the Covid-19 outbreak. Before developing their full ‘Active at Home’ video series they would welcome your feedback on their first pilot exercise videos as a way of testing their learning.
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Andrew Crooks
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