For the past few months Get Yourself Active has been undertaking research with the aim of finding out the experiences of disabled people around getting phsically active during the Covid-19 outbreak. This includes finding out how you have been keeping active during a time when many of us have had to stay indoors, what has been helpful, and what may be able to help in the future.
Their aim has been to create resources that reflect the experiences and needs of disabled people during this time and they are now in the process of pulling together all of their findings and developing pilot exercise videos as a way of testing their learning before they develop their full ‘Active at Home’ video series.
Get Yourself Active has launched the first pilot video and hope to launch more in the next week or two. They would very much welcome your feedback. You can access the video here.
If you’d like to provide any feedback you can do so in this survey link , which should only take 2 mins to complete.