05 June 2024
In Volunteers Week 2024 ( 3 – 9 June ),celebrating its 40th year, we want to say a massive thank you to all our volunteers. This year we are particularly looking for volunteers to help out and join us in expanding our new Disability Network as we reach across the city to engage with and involve more disabled people. It’s an exciting time and we want you to be part of it!
FULL ARTICLE18 September 2023
Would you like to be part of a Scrutiny Panel or become a Mystery Shopper for Sheffield City Council?. By being involved as a volunteer you can help to measure the quality of their Housing and Neighbourhood Service and give your own feedback on the service you’ve received as a tenant.
FULL ARTICLE06 June 2023
2023 marks the 39th year of Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June), when we join thousands of charities and voluntary organisations recognising the often unseen contribution volunteers make to the work of their host organisations and society as a whole. This year’s theme is ‘Celebrate and Inspire’ and we want to take the time during Volunteers’ Week to say a big thank you to our volunteers and celebrate your efforts and all you contribute to Disability Sheffield.
FULL ARTICLE10 March 2023
Are you feeling creative and also want to help others? Do you want to develop your skills or experiences? Or meet new people?Ignite Imaginations have partnered with Voluntary Action Sheffield and 23 other arts and community organisations (hosts) to make it easy for you to find a broad range of exciting opportunities to volunteer in creative and community organisations.
FULL ARTICLE01 November 2022
Guide Dogs are recruiting for My Sighted Guide Volunteers in Sheffield and surrounding areas to provide support to a person with sight loss to get out and about in their local community, build self-confidence, increase social interaction, and promote independence.
FULL ARTICLE01 June 2022
Volunteers Week ( 1-7 June ) is a time to celebrate the fantastic contribution volunteers make to our communities . We are enormously proud that our role call of volunteers is expanding as our projects continue to grow successfully with their input. We benefit greatly from our volunteers knowledge, skills and experience, ideas and enthusiasm and would like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to all our volunteers past and present.
FULL ARTICLE14 February 2020
The National Council for Voluntary Organisations have announced research plans for 2020 looking into what diversity means to volunteer-involving organisations .The first stage* (spring 2020) will review existing evidence and
getting feedback from organisations about what they’re doing and their experiences to date by conducting interviews and
developing case examples.
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Andrew Crooks
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