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Ignite Your Creative Spirit Through Volunteering

Ignite Your Creative Spirit Through Volunteering

Are you feeling creative and also want to help others? Do you want to develop your skills or experiences? Or meet new people? Maybe you are not sure what direction you want to take next but would like to try new things.

If so, a locally-based charity which aims to celebrate and connect communities through art and creativity is giving you the chance to do so. Ignite Imaginations has set up Sheffield Community Makers, and is keen to reach people who are brand new to volunteering, those that might not have considered creative volunteering before or those that feel they are not well represented in the arts, including disabled people.

They say: “Whatever stage of life you are at and whatever your intentions we are here to make it easy for you to find a broad range of exciting opportunities to volunteer in creative and community organisations in Sheffield. From handy person at a theatre to story gathering at a mental health support group, the role might be creative in its nature or supporting a creative organisation in its day to day running.”

Ignite Imaginations have partnered with Voluntary Action Sheffield and 23 other arts and community organisations (hosts) to create a network of partners that work towards making creative volunteering opportunities better in Sheffield. They add that: “Coming together gives us the strength to connect, learn from one another, listen and develop our offer as a collective. We will provide FREE training and networking for our hosts and volunteers throughout the programme to create long lasting skills, experiences and connections.”

You can find the full details here



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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks