30 September 2021
Family, Adult and Community Education Service – FACES – is part of Sheffield City Council and delivers adult learning courses in community settings across the city for adults aged 19 years and over.Representavies of FACES will be at Parkwood E-Act Academy, on Longley Avenue West, S5 8UL on Thursday 21st October from 3.30pm if you’d like to have a chat about courses.
FULL ARTICLE02 September 2021
The vision of the Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) is ‘a world where inclusive education is a right not a struggle’ and they campaign for the inclusion of all Disabled learners in mainstream education.ALLFIE are looking for more Disabled Young people, aged between 16 and 25, to get involved in their’ Our Voice project’ and join in their online sessions and discussion topics from mid September onwards.
FULL ARTICLE26 March 2021
The latest edition of Disability Rights UK’s ‘Get Ahead’ newsletter co-edited with and for young people is now available to download from their website. This edition includes tales from lockdown, the Department for Education Coronavirus Helpline, upcoming webinar opportunities for budding artists and games and art reviews from students.
FULL ARTICLE30 July 2020
The Special Needs Jungle decided to carry out a Coronavirus and SEND survey after hearing parental accounts of risk assessments being utilised by schools during lockdown, to prevent children with SEND returning to school. They wanted to determine how widespread this was, as well as other experiences of families mid-pandemic. Their report claims that many families received little or nothing from their child’s school and that 75% of schools ignored Government risk assessment guidance during the lockdown, with parents and young people often left out of the risk assessment process.
FULL ARTICLE22 June 2020
Sheffield City Council and Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group have published the ‘Sheffield Inclusion Strategy’ setting out their commitments to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) . The local area SEND inspection in November 2018 identified significant weaknesses.
In preparation for the introduction of Mental Health classes in schools form September 2020, Mental Health Today have produced a glossary of terms to highlight how the language used around mental health can affect discussions about it. They say that many expressions seen in plans for mental health classes are at best problematic and could be at worst deeply damaging.
This is your chance to give your views on both Sheffield City Council’s new Home to School policy and the Post-16 policy. Please note the different deadlines for feedback.
FULL ARTICLE31 January 2019
A joint inspection by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission found that special educational needs reforms announced in 2014 have not been implemented consistently and that children and young people are not being supported well enough by social care, health and education professionals in Sheffield.
FULL ARTICLE15 January 2019
The Alliance For Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) has launched a questionnaire which aims to find out the views of parents and education professionals about Accessibility Plans and whether they are effective in supporting disabled pupils’ inclusion at school. The survey closes at the end of February.
FULL ARTICLE03 October 2018
A group of children with special educational needs and their parents have launched a legal battle to challenge planned cuts which they say will affect them. The families from Surrey have taken their case to the High Court in a bid to stop their local council taking £21m off their budget for services to disabled children.
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