04 March 2023
The Disability Sheffield COVID-19 PPE Service will be ending on 31st March 2023. From April 2023, Individual Employers will be able to access COVID-19 PPE by registering with the NHS PPE Portal. PPE ordered from the portal is free of charge until 31 March 2024 or until stocks are depleted.
FULL ARTICLE28 June 2021
Anyone providing unpaid care and support to an adult with a disability or long term impairment, including a learning disability and/or autistim, living in a different household, can now obtain free PPE from one of the seven main family centres in the city. The packs contain: face masks, shields, aprons and gloves.This provision is in line with updated government guidance which includes information on washing hands, use of PPE, and respiratory hygiene.
FULL ARTICLE15 December 2020
Everyone loves a surprise in their Christmas stocking. Thanks to the crotchet and felting skills and kind efforts of our staff and volunteers we’ve been enclosing a little surprise Christmas tree decoration into our PPE deliveries. Your responses were very heartwarming to hear back, thank you. We’d also like to say thank you to our volunteer PPE delivery drivers who have made over 800 deliveries. Without their hard work hundreds of disabled people in Sheffield would be without PPE, and consequently without the vital care and support their PAs and carers provide. Thank you!
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