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Santa's Surprise and Our Thanks

Santa's Surprise and Our Thanks

Everyone loves a surprise in their Christmas stocking.Thanks to the crotchet and felting skills and kind efforts of our staff and volunteers we placed a little surprise Christmas tree decoration into our PPE deliveries. Your responses were very heartwarming to hear back, thank you:

“Thank you so much for the Christmas card and little stocking with my PPE….the kindness and thought actually made me cry…in a good way!”
“It was lovely to receive a Christmas card and the beautiful hand made miniature stocking. We will put it on the Xmas tree with a little treat in. Thank you to everyone concerned. We hope you have the best Christmas possible.
“Really touched to get the Christmas card and a little stocking with my delivery today. It’s the little things that make life better. Thank you
“You touched our hearts with a handmade decoration for our tree inside …..awww…. XXXXXX loved it so much that it went in the fairy’s place this year (fairy demoted to further down the tree haha)”

We hope we don’t get a letter of complaint from the fairy! A big shout out for Kelly, Anne, Niamh, Emma and Ruth for all your creative efforts to make this happen.

Our PPE Co-ordinator Jake Green says “Coronavirus has taken a huge toll on everyone, but for those disabled people who receive care it has been particularly difficult as PAs and carers now have to wear PPE. Our staff and volunteers have been working extremely hard since April to make sure that those disabled people who need PPE for their PAs and carers have access to it. We are extremely grateful for the selfless work of our volunteer PPE delivery drivers who have made over 800 deliveries of PPE. Without their hard work hundreds of disabled people in Sheffield would be without PPE, and consequently without the vital care and support their PAs and carers provide. Thank you!”


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Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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