28 August 2021
At the start of the new school year ‘Bubbles’ and social distancing for all children under 18 will no longer be required but testing remains hugely important in helping to reduce transmission of Coronavirus. Ruth Granger, from the Public Health Team in Sheffield gives an update on Sheffield’s Back To School position. The video also further clarifies the new self-isolation rule changes and a vaccination programme update.
FULL ARTICLE14 July 2020
Sheffield City Council have produced a questionnaire hoping to hear from families who have a child with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND) about any concerns they have regarding the return to school in September. The questionnaire is open until Friday 24 July.
FULL ARTICLE15 January 2019
The Alliance For Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) has launched a questionnaire which aims to find out the views of parents and education professionals about Accessibility Plans and whether they are effective in supporting disabled pupils’ inclusion at school. The survey closes at the end of February.
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