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  • Not Enough Support for Disabled People!

    Not Enough Support for Disabled People!

    Disability charities have criticised the government for failing to provide adequate support for people with disabilities amid the cost of living crisis in an open letter to the Prime Minister. Campaigners have also created a petition calling on the government to make disabled people eligible for the £650 one-off payment that has been announced for carers.

  • Fuel Poverty Action Call

    Fuel Poverty Action Call

    Campaign group Fuel Poverty Action has launched a petition and organised a protest calling for ‘energy for all’ to fight rising gas and electricity bill charges. They are calling for the government to give everyone a free amount of energy to cover heating, cooking, and lighting, taking account of people’s actual needs related to their age, health, and housing.

  • Petition to End Institutionalisation

    Petition to End Institutionalisation

    On the International Day of Disabled People the European Network on Independent Living ( ENIL )launched a petition for members of the public to sign, with a hope to attract the attention of policy and decision makers at both national and European levels. It makes a series of demands, such as the closure of institutions for disabled people across Europe, to enable disabled people to live independently and with dignity.

  • Ask Your MP To Speak Up For People with Learning Disabilities

    Ask Your MP To Speak Up For People with Learning Disabilities

    A major organisation which represents people with learning disabilities has launched a campaign to ask MPs to help prioritise all members of this vulnerable group for Coronavirus vaccinations. Mencap says that despite the fact that people with a learning disability are more than six times as likely to die from Coronavirus as the general population, many are not in any of the priority groups for the jab.

  • Petition against Cuts to in Funding for Autistic People

    Petition against Cuts to in Funding for Autistic People

    Emily Ivey felt like a prisoner when her support hours were taken away. Her petition calling for an end to cuts in funding for Autistic people is close to reaching 2,500 signatures.

  • BBC Red Button Teletext Saved from Switch Off

    BBC Red Button Teletext Saved from Switch Off

    The BBC Red Button Teletext Service has been saved from switch off after the NFBUK and British Deaf Association handed in a petition to the Director General of the BBC.Disability Sheffield backed the petition along with 174 other organisations from across the UK including Age UK and the National Association of Deafened People (NADP).

  • Petition - Solve the Crisis in Social Care

    Petition - Solve the Crisis in Social Care

    This petition asks the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson and Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock to solve the crisis in Social Care,pointing out that this issue is just as important as Brexit, if not more so. Chris Sterry, a local carer, highlights the wider impact of the delay to the Green Paper on Social Care on health services and the health of carers.

  • Petition - Review PIP Assessment

    Petition - Review PIP Assessment

    This petition asks for a review of the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessment process claiming that evidence shows that people with epilepsy are disproportionately discriminated against during the assessment process. Of those people who have epilepsy and previously received Disability Living Allowance, 54% were denied PIP, this is the second highest rejection rate out of all health conditions and double the national average.

  • Petition Against Merger Of Disability Assessments

    A disability rights campaigner has launched a petition in a bid to stop the Government merging assessments for Personal Independence Payments and Employment And Support Allowance.
    The planned changes – due to start in 2021 – were announced recently in a speech by Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd, but London-based activist and blogger Lisa Egan is urging people to fight this. The petition closes on Sept 19

  • Living Wages For Carers Petition

    A Sheffield organisation which supports relatives of adults with learning disabilities or autism has launched a petition calling for all employed carers to be paid the living wage.
    Families Lobbying And Advising Sheffield hopes to be able to gain the 10,000 signatures required for the petition to be responded to by the Government then the 100,000 for it to be discussed in Parliament.

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Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training