03 October 2022
It’s Black History Month, celebrating the contribution made to Britain by black people in the past and in the present. There are a host of events being held locally in partnership with the African Heritage Culture Forum, which aims to showcase the achievements of Sheffield’s African heritage community.
FULL ARTICLE10 August 2022
The Commission on COVID-19, Disablism and Systemic Racism was launched to explore how the worst impacts of COVID-19 have fallen on Disabled people, and even more so on Disabled people from Black, Asian, and minoritised ethnic groups. It seeks the evidence needed to hold the UK government to account over failings during the pandemic, and in building solutions for transformative and sustainable change in social care.The deadline for submissions is Friday 30 September.
FULL ARTICLE01 July 2022
SACMHA Health & Social Care will be hosting this critically important conference in partnership with the Sheffield Health & Social Care Foundation Trust along with Sheffield Flourish on Saturday 23rd July from 9:30am at the Mega Centre, Bernard Road, Sheffield S2 5BQ.
FULL ARTICLE01 November 2021
This online workshop on Wednesday 8th December 2021 from 11am to 1pm will explore experiences of social care and self directed support for disabled people from black, asian and minority ethnic communities in Sheffield. It will include highlights from Think Local Act Personal’s recent report about the value of community groups in achieving personalised care.Anyone with an interest in these issues is welcome to take part.
FULL ARTICLE04 August 2021
Mulembas d’Africa, Our Mel and Move More Sheffield are offering a FREE 8 Week Self Love development programme tailored for black and mixed African women. RISE is designed to engage, empower and encourage you throughout a series of workshops, including African movement, strength building,yoga and mindful nutrition sessions.The application deadline is Wednesday 18 August
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Andrew Crooks
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