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Blog Archive

  • Call For Action To Prove That We Belong

    Call For Action To Prove That We Belong

    For many disabled people a feeling that we are not allowed to play a full part in society holds us back. But a campaign started last autumn insists that ‘We Belong’ and says it loudly and proudly . After consulting widely, Disability Rights UK’s newly published ‘We Belong’ report forms the basis of their submission to the Government’s consultation on its National Strategy for Disabled People and calls for radical change.

  • Disabled People 'Abandoned' During Covid-19 Crisis Report Claims

    Disabled People 'Abandoned' During Covid-19 Crisis Report Claims

    A report by Inclusion London , a leading disability organisation, claims that discrimination has increased during the last few months as people’s needs have been pushed to one side by government and major organisations. The report concludes that “the government needs to make it a priority to understand the needs of disabled people and give serious consideration to their findings and recommendations. It is also vital that Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations and disabled people are involved in developing and planning policies that affect us at local, regional and national levels.”

  • Healthwatch Sheffield Annual Report

    Healthwatch Sheffield Annual Report

    Healthwatch Sheffield has released its annual report for 2019-20, looking back on the work it did before the Covid-19 crisis struck and reflecting on the early impact of the pandemic for local people. The organisation is an independent consumer watchdog for health and social care services, which aims to help adults, children and young people influence and improve services.

  • Reports Reveal the Social Impact of Coronavirus on Disabled People

    Reports Reveal the Social Impact of Coronavirus on  Disabled People

    The Office for National Statistics has published its second statistical bulletin in the series Coronavirus and the social impacts on disabled people in Great Britain, . Amongst other findings the report shows disabled people were more likely to report that the pandemic and its effects are negatively impacting their mental health compared to non-disabled people and are also more likely to report they feel lonely. Disabled people are much less likely to report having left their home to exercise or to work, and are twice as likely to say they feel very unsafe outside their home compared to non- disabled people.You can also read the general findings from a recent survey on Shielding carried out by Disability Rights UK saying that disabled people feel isolated, alone and forgotten.

  • Healthwatch Sheffield Report on NHS 'Long Term Plan'

    Healthwatch Sheffield Report on NHS 'Long Term Plan'

    Last year Healthwatch England asked their national network of local organisations to find out from local people what they thought about the NHS Long Term Plan. Healthwatch Sheffield have launched their report on the responses of people in Sheffield to the 10 year plan.

  • Review of Independent Advocacy Services 2018-19.

    Review of Independent Advocacy Services 2018-19.

    Sheffield Advocacy Hub, a partnership between Citizens Advice Sheffield, Cloverleaf Advocacy and Disability Sheffield is proud to present its annual review for 2018-19. As well as service user data the review includes stories from people who have used the advocacy service in their own words and outlines some of our important campaigning work carried out through the year. All Hub partners hold the Advocacy Quality and Performance Mark and follow the Advocacy Code of Practice.

  • Healthwatch Sheffield's Annual Report

    Healthwatch Sheffield has engaged and supported more people than ever during 2018/19, according to its annual report.In the last year they heard from 3,270 people who spoke about their experiences of different areas of health and social care. That’s more than double the number that they saw the previous year. They also published 20 reports and briefings based on what they were told including 36 recommendations to providers and commissioners of health and social care.

  • Checking Out City's Home Care Provision

    Healthwatch Sheffield has published the finding of its Home Care Report and if you’d like to be part of the conversation around the findings and the next steps it is still possible to book a place at their Strategic Advisory Group meeting on 13 March from 5 to 6pm.

  • Making Visits Matter : Unison Report

    Read the results of Unison’s survey of 1,000 home care workers showing how they try to do their best within a system that increasingly prioritises “quotas over compassion”.

  • DWP reports 'empathy' approach works better than sanctions 'stick'

    DWP reports evaluating the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) additional support trials which took place in 2015,conclude that more support for disabled people into work achieves better results in moving ESA claimants towards the labour market.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks