Disability Sheffield
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Blog Archive

  • NHS Sheffield Community Survey Findings

    NHS Sheffield Community Survey Findings

    NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group and Sheffield City Council are working together to develop plans for next year to help make the people of Sheffield healthier and stay independent, safe and well. The CCG has released a report based on its consultation findings with residents from across Sheffield including work undertaken by Disability Sheffield and other Voluntary, Community and Faith sector organisations, to gain feedback from diverse groups of people.

  • DPAC In Call To Prevent Rail Service Cuts

    DPAC In Call To Prevent Rail Service Cuts

    Campaigning group Disabled People Against Cuts has backed the recent strikes by members of the RMT union, saying that planned cuts in funding and staff will result in our safety horrendously compromised and will lead to more serious incidents on the rail network.

  • Social Care Charges Investigation

    Social Care Charges Investigation

    A BBC News journalist, who is investigating social care charges mainly involving disabled people, is looking for people to help with his work. Adam Eley is specifically looking to speak to people who have had debt collection procedures opened against them by their local authority as a result of being unable to pay social care charges. The coverage will bring maximum awareness to the issue.

  • Work Coach Support For Disabled Jobseekers.

    Work Coach Support For Disabled Jobseekers.

    Disabled people who want to move into employment will be given ‘Work Coach’ support due to a new government scheme, campaigning organisation Disability Rights UK has reported. However they have called for it not to be made compulsory.It follows a preview of Welfare Reforms given by Minister for Disabled People Chloe Smith which are due to be announced in a summer 2022 Government White Paper.

  • Your Chance to Choose

    Your Chance to Choose

    Chance to Choose is the name of our exciting new project commissioned by Sheffield City Council to coproduce the new ‘Working Age Adults Framework’ for people with learning disabilities and autism. We’re getting together to learn what our ideas of a perfect life looks like by making art, writing stories or creating drama. If you have a learning disability or autism we’d love you to join us.

  • Help Healthwatch Sheffield Steer Their Work

    Help Healthwatch Sheffield Steer Their Work

    Are you passionate about improving the health and wellbeing of people across ALL of Sheffield? If so, Healthwatch Sheffield are looking for new members to join their Strategic Advisory Group . If you are a local resident or work in the city and want to see the best health and social care services for Sheffield, Healthwatch Sheffield want to hear from you! Applications are open until Thursday 7 July 2022.

  • I Didn't See You There

    I Didn't See You There

    Part of Sheffield DocFest this unflinching first-person journey film, seen from the perspective of disabled filmmaker Reid Davenport, highlights how differently the world appears to him.Showing at various venues on 23, 24 or 28 June.

  • World Continence Week's Public Toilets Call

    World Continence Week's Public Toilets Call

    Did you know that three million people in the UK are affected by incontinence? And with many councils closing them, there is now much more chance of getting caught short.The Urology Foundation has produced campaign resources on the causes and management of incontinence , a ‘Need to Pee’ card and a template letter to send to councillors and MPs about the repercussions of public toilet closures.

  • Let's Make Physical Activity More Accessible

    Let's Make Physical Activity More Accessible

    We’ve been speaking to people with autism, learning disabilities and severe mental health issues about what they need to feel safe, confident and positive in physical activity settings.If you work in a community organisation, leisure centre or run mainstream physical activities we’d love to welcome you to the project at our free event on Wednesday 20th July to share our findings and launch a new network to develop more accessible activities.

  • Dementia Action Week Round Up

    Dementia Action Week Round Up

    This year’s theme for Dementia Action Week last month was diagnosis, helping those who might be living with undiagnosed dementia to recognize potential symptoms and to feel able to seek guidance and support. Here are some of the activities, community support available and positive action happening across Sheffield that were highlighted in a round up from Dementia News.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks