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Blog Archive

  • Make Sure You Have The Right Mobility Scooter

    Make Sure You Have The Right Mobility Scooter

    Buying a mobility scooter can be a stressful – not to mention an expensive – experience, especially if you have never used one before. Luckily The Willaim Merritt Centre, based in Leeds, has opened a Sheffield Branch at Soar Works Enterprise Centre in Parson Cross, offering mobility scooter assessments and providing independent and objective advice by qualified and trained Occupational Therapists.

  • Need Help with EHC Plans?

    Need Help with EHC Plans?

    Sheffield SENDIAS, which offers information, advice and support over Special Educational Needs and Disability, is now running free weekly Zoom information sessions to help parents, carers and young people understand SEND support and EHC Plans.

  • Urgent Energy Advice on Meter Reading and Grants

    Urgent Energy Advice on Meter Reading and Grants

    National Energy Action are urging people to take a meter reading and send it to your energy supplier on or before the 31st March 2022 to ensure that your charges will be at the current cheaper rate and to top up a key and card meter by as much as you can afford. NEA provide grants for customers on Pre-Pay meters and on low incomes or benefits. Sheffield City Council has a Winter Top Up fund that needs to be spent by the end of March as well.

  • New Treatments for Covid-19

    New Treatments for Covid-19

    The NHS is offering new antibody and antiviral treatments to people with coronavirus (COVID-19) who are at highest risk of becoming seriously ill.The treatments can help some people manage their COVID-19 symptoms and reduce the risk of becoming seriously ill. They are for people who have not been admitted to hospital and at highest risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19.

  • Free LFD Testing Ends This Month

    Free LFD Testing Ends This Month

    There’s still time to get or order Covid 19 Rapid lateral Flow (LFD) tests but only until the end of this month! Free LFD testing for the general public will end on 1 April. You will be able to order LFD tests for free only until 31 March.

  • Advocacy Worker Vacancy

    Advocacy Worker Vacancy

    Disability Sheffield is looking to recruit an advocacy worker to our team which seeks to provide an accessible high quality advocacy service to disabled people, supporting them to access health and social care services in Sheffield. The closing date for applications is 9am on Monday 4th April 2022. Interviews will be held on Thursday 7th April 2022.

  • Launch of the UN CRPD Shadow Report

    Launch of the UN CRPD Shadow Report

    UPDATE: Read the key findings and show your support by signing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled People Shadow Report . This report was put together by Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations led by Inclusion London. The deadline for signatures is 12pm on the 27th of March.

  • Experts By Experience Role Call

    Experts By Experience Role Call

    A charity which offers a range of services to people with mental health problems is looking for Experts By Experience to improve its support for marginalised groups. Rethink Mental Illness is hoping to find another two or three Experts to join the nine already working for them. The deadline for applications is midnight on the 18th April 2022

  • But is it Usable by Me?

    But is it Usable by Me?

    Could you help to make sure usability studies are more inclusive and diverse? Researchers from The University of Sheffield are working on a usability project to embed equality, diversity and inclusion in usability testing. Online and in-person events (interviews, focus groups and round table discussions) are taking place in Sheffield during March, April and May 2022 offering a £25 voucher for participants’ time and additional travel costs

  • Big Power Off Protest Over Energy Price Rises

    Big Power Off Protest Over Energy Price Rises

    With many disabled people bearing the brunt of rising energy prices, a series of protests have been organised by activist organisations. DPAC Sheffield, part of the national campaigning group Disabled People Against Cuts are spearheading the Big Power Off Protest due to take place on Friday April 1st , which people can take part in from their own homes

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback