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But is it Usable by Me?

But is it Usable by Me?

Could you help to make sure usability studies are more inclusive and diverse? Researchers from The University of Sheffield are working on a usability project to embed equality, diversity and inclusion in usability testing.

Usability is about whether someone can use a product or a service to achieve their goals. Usability includes accessibility but is more than that. Accessibility is about providing equal access. Whereas usability is about ensuring that use of a product or service is effective, efficient and satisfactory.

The researchers are keen to get in touch with anyone who feels that their needs and requirements are not met by the design of products, services and information resources.

Online and in-person participatory events in Sheffield (interviews, focus groups and round table discussions) are taking place during March, April and May 2022.

The study offers a £25 voucher for participants’ time. Interviews and focus groups can be in-person or online, and expenses such as travel are paid subject to receipts being provided.

For further details and dates view website

If you would like to know more about the study please email Sophie Rutter at s.rutter@sheffield.ac.uk


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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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