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  • Energy Advice Support

    Energy Advice Support

    Do you need some extra support with energy advice? Here’s a round up of what’s available from energy advice services including SCOPE’s Disability Energy Support Service, The Green Doctor and National Energy Action drop ins plus tips from Sheffield City Council and Easy Read information from Speakup Self Advocacy.

  • #BigPowerOff Protests Becoming Bigger

    #BigPowerOff Protests Becoming Bigger

    A protest against rising energy prices spearheaded by a Sheffield-based group has now taken off nationally, with another #BigPowerOff event due to take place this Saturday 16th April at 7pm. Sheffield City Council has launched a ‘guide’ to getting financial help and advice during the current cost of living crisis with suggestions of what to do if you’re struggling to pay your energy bills.

  • Urgent Energy Advice on Meter Reading and Grants

    Urgent Energy Advice on Meter Reading and Grants

    National Energy Action are urging people to take a meter reading and send it to your energy supplier on or before the 31st March 2022 to ensure that your charges will be at the current cheaper rate and to top up a key and card meter by as much as you can afford. NEA provide grants for customers on Pre-Pay meters and on low incomes or benefits. Sheffield City Council has a Winter Top Up fund that needs to be spent by the end of March as well.

  • Big Power Off Protest Over Energy Price Rises

    Big Power Off Protest Over Energy Price Rises

    With many disabled people bearing the brunt of rising energy prices, a series of protests have been organised by activist organisations. DPAC Sheffield, part of the national campaigning group Disabled People Against Cuts are spearheading the Big Power Off Protest due to take place on Friday April 1st , which people can take part in from their own homes

  • Green Doctor Energy Service

    Green Doctor Energy Service

    At a time of rising energy costs you may be in need of some help. Well meet the Green Doctor. Their energy efficiency projects run across the North East and Yorkshire offering a free home visit and telephone advice service ( please note that eligibility conditions apply ).

  • Fuel Poverty Action Call

    Fuel Poverty Action Call

    Campaign group Fuel Poverty Action has launched a petition and organised a protest calling for ‘energy for all’ to fight rising gas and electricity bill charges. They are calling for the government to give everyone a free amount of energy to cover heating, cooking, and lighting, taking account of people’s actual needs related to their age, health, and housing.

  • Free Green Home Grants : Apply Now

    Free Green Home Grants : Apply Now

    Sheffield City Council has received funding and has partnered with the energy company E.ON to deliver the Green Homes Grant to improve the energy efficiency of homeowners’ households for free. This will help make your home cheaper to heat and reduce its ‘carbon footprint’. You do not need to be an E.ON customer to apply. Please note the scheme has funding for a limited number of installations only. It is operating on a first come, first served basis and if you are interested you should apply as soon as possible.

  • Get a Priority Service and Get Smart

    Get a Priority Service and Get Smart

    Did you know that if you’re disabled you can go on a Priority Services Register for water as well as for energy companies? It’s easy to join and offers help such as bills in alternative formats, prioriy support during planned works or interruption of your supply, help with meter reading or to manage your account.South Yorkshire self-advocacy group Speakup are working with Yorkshire Water to encourage people with learning disabilites and autism to register and are also supporting the rollout of Smart Meters.

  • New Green Homes Energy Efficiency Grant

    New Green Homes Energy Efficiency Grant

    The Green Homes Grant is a new scheme which gives homeowners in England vouchers to help cover the cost of energy efficient improvements to homes. For most, the vouchers will be worth about two-thirds of the cost of the energy efficient improvements, up to a maximum of £5,000. However, if you’re on a low income or get certain benefits, you can get vouchers of up to £10,000 to cover the entire costs.

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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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