22 October 2018
Places are limited to book for this full day conference on 14 December at the Quaker Meeting House, which will bring together autistic people, autism researchers, practitioners, clinicians, families and supporters from around the UK. Unemployed and Disabled people attending are eligible to a 20% discount by entering the discount code: CONCESSION20 when purchasing tickets (click the blue ‘Enter Promotional Code’ text).
FULL ARTICLE17 October 2018
Sheffield City Council has launched a new information sheet designed to help people find out and apply for Universal Credit, which is being rolled out across the city from next month for new claimants and anyone reporting a change in their circumstances. The controversial benefit, which only affects working age people, will eventually replace six existing benefits – Housing Benefit, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit and Income Support.
FULL ARTICLE17 October 2018
NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group is offering individuals and families who are in receipt of Continuing Healthcare services the opportunity to help set up and be involved in a Service Improvement Participation Register. They are currently recruiting people in receipt of CHC fully funded services and are keen to involve people in receipt of joint packages of care.
FULL ARTICLE17 October 2018
The Equality and Human Rights Commission has said it is ‘disappointed’ by the UK Government’s failure to improve disability rights following damning assessments from the United Nations. A report by the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities gave details of the Government’s failures to protect disabled people’s rights across many areas of life in the UK in August 2017. They were asked to report back on progress on a number of areas one year on.
FULL ARTICLE17 October 2018
Sheffield City Council has made alterations to their Short Breaks for Children with Disabilities scheme and their Special Needs Inclusion Playcare Services (SNIPS). Following consultations there will be additional eligibility criteria to qualify for a short break and SNIPS will see the introduction of a parent/carer contribution and an income based assessment for some users.
FULL ARTICLE15 October 2018
The history of disabled people is as long as the history of the human race; but is rarely discussed in schools. The Disability History Network have launched an online survey to find out what kind of stories you believe should be taught to secondary school aged children learning about disability history.
FULL ARTICLE11 October 2018
The new, specialist regulator for all child, family and adult social workers in England need people who have lived experience in relation to social work to help them to develop their organisation and challenge them to achieve their ambition of being an open, honest, transparent and fair regulator. You can be involved from the start in setting up their Expert by Experience Advisory Group helping to shape and design how the group will work, its roles and responsibilities and frequency of meetings. If you’d like to take part please come along to the first meeting on Monday 22 October
FULL ARTICLE10 October 2018
There is a new Pride committee elected by the community to deliver Pride in 2019 for the community in Sheffield. The Pride committee is setting up an ‘action group’ that will look at making Pride the most accessible and inclusive yet. To this end they are recruiting disabled people from the LGBT + community to be part of the action group.
FULL ARTICLE10 October 2018
An innovative mode of transport designed to make travelling in South Yorkshire easier is to be launched later this month
The UK’s first tram train, which can run on both tramlines and the rail network between Sheffield and Rotherham will welcome its first passengers on board on Thursday 25 October,
10 October 2018
The Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Group is advertising three new vacancies. Please note that the deadline for applications for the Activities Co-ordinator post is Monday October 15th and the deadline for the Information Officer and Benefits Advisers posts is October 22nd.
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Andrew Crooks
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