Sheffield City Council has launched a new information sheet designed to help people find out and apply for Universal Credit, which is being rolled out across the city from next month.
The controversial benefit, which only affects working age people, will replace six existing benefits – Housing Benefit, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit and Income Support – so anyone making a new claim or reporting a change in their circumstances regarding any of these is advised to read the information sheet first.
The information sheet covers the key facts about Universal Credit, what you can do to get ready for Universal Credit, claiming and managing Universal Credit online and where to get help.
At some point in the future, many people currently on the above benefits will be moved across to Universal Credit. The Government haven’t yet given a date for this, but the Department for Work and Pensions say they will get in touch with anyone affected before there are any changes to their benefits or tax credits.
Remember, you don’t need to do anything right now if you’re already on one of the
benefits Universal Credit replaces and your circumstances are the same.