27 November 2019
Healthwatch Sheffield have teamed up with Sheffield Carers Centre to find out more about carers’ experiences of GP practices. The first part of the work will be a focus group discussion with carers at Sheffield Carers Centre on Friday 6 December.
FULL ARTICLE25 November 2019
Wheels for Wellbeing is running its annual survey of disabled cyclists to find out about the latest needs and experiences of disabled people who cycle. The data they collect will be used to inform their ongoing policy and campaigning work, and will help to strengthen the voice of disabled cyclists in the UK.
FULL ARTICLE25 November 2019
The Carers UK Manifesto for Carers outlines the top priorities unpaid carers would want to see delivered by the next government.
FULL ARTICLE25 November 2019
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence ( from November 25 to December 10 ) is an international campaign calling for the elimination of all forms of gender based violence. Individual women from the Women’s Hub alongside representatives from local organisations have co-ordinated a programme of events in Sheffield.
FULL ARTICLE20 November 2019
Sheffield City Council are now following up the announcement of their ‘Big City Conversation’ with an online survey where you can let them know about the issues that affect you, your communities and your city. The survey closes on January 31 2020.
FULL ARTICLE20 November 2019
A General Election is taking place on Thursday 12 December 2019 and it is very important that the voices of disabled people are heard.If you have received a poll card at your address, then you are currently registered and can vote in the upcoming election stated on the poll card but if not you need to make sure you are registered to vote by midnight on Tuesday 26th November.
FULL ARTICLE18 November 2019
Would you like to receive a pair of O2 Academy tickets for free? Then please read on……Tickets for Good (T4G) uses ticket sales to create donation programmes within the events industry for charities and social projects. Disability Sheffield are to help explore improving the scheme by holding a Ticket Bank workshop on 9th December 2019 at The Circle, Sheffield. Please let us know if you’re interested in coming along.
FULL ARTICLE13 November 2019
The Civil Service is looking for volunteers to take part in major research into the everyday lived experience of individual disabled people. The Policy Lab, based in the Cabinet Office, is looking for people who have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on their ability to do normal daily activities. Your input will help policy makers in the Civil Service to better understand the people they are trying to reach. High Street Vouchers are provided to all research participants.
FULL ARTICLE13 November 2019
A new survey about the impact of austerity on disabled people hopes to publish its results before the General Election takes place on December 12th and will be used as the basis for a look into the future of disability rights in Britain and a call for improvements. The Public Interest Research Centre and Disabled People Against Cuts are hoping for a quick response to the survey.
FULL ARTICLE11 November 2019
Have you used continence services in Sheffield? Do you care for someone who uses continence services? Throughout November, a group of Councillors from Sheffield City Council are listening to people’s experience of using continence services in Sheffield and they want to hear from you.
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Andrew Crooks
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