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It's on the Record - a Fundraising Event for Sheffield DPAC

It's on the Record - a  Fundraising Event for Sheffield DPAC

Please note that this event has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus

Sheffield students will host an event later this month to raise money for Sheffield DPAC, the local branch of campaigning organisation Disabled People Against Cuts.

It has been organised by Sheffield Labour Students and will be held at Dina, a grassroots arts and culture venue on Cambridge Street in the city centre, on Friday March 20, from 8-11pm.

Entry is free but a £5 donation would be welcome. As well as music there will also be a stall where you can buy DPAC merchandise, speakers from both SLS and DPAC, a bake sale and the bar will be open. Everyone is welcome and the venue itself is accessible, with several disabled parking spaces nearby.

Sheffield DPAC has recently been behind the On The Record campaign to purchase equipment so that disabled people can tape their Personal Independence Payment interviews. They have also generously provided a recording kit which is kept at the Disability Sheffield office at The Circle on Rockingham Lane.

A spokesperson for Sheffield Labour Students said: “We’re hosting this event because disabled people have been worst hit by Tory cuts. We wanted to show our support for a grassroots movement that is fighting against the worst effects of Tory austerity. The more that people hear about the organisation, what it does and why it is so important, the bigger the support for both the organisation and the Labour Party. As a student society, we campaigned during the General Election and don’t want to stop just because the election is over, this is us carrying on the fight, supporting local organisations and remaining positive in what the party has to offer the country.”

They are also urging those attending the evening to bake and bring along a cake to sell on the night. It is requested that no nuts are used and to inform the organisers if the cakes are vegan/gluten-free.



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Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks