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  • Research on Housing Services for People with a Learning Disability

    Research on Housing Services for People with a Learning Disability

    The National Development Team for Inclusion is working on research around housing services (supported living and residential care) for people with learning disabilities. Family carers have told NDTi about the varied ways they support a relative with a learning disability in different housing settings leading them to believe that the role, input and contribution of family carers is an important and neglected area. To explore this further they have created a questionnaire based on what family carers have told them.

  • Gleadless Valley & Heeley Unpaid Carers Support Group

    Gleadless Valley & Heeley Unpaid Carers Support Group

    Facilitated by Reach South Sheffield this support group meets every 3rd Thursday of the month at Newfield Green Library 577 Gleadless Rd and gives unpaid carers a welcoming and supportive environment to drop in for support, chat, refreshments and regular special events.

  • Fun, Inclusive Graffiti Art

    Fun, Inclusive Graffiti Art

    Would you like to be part of creating a new piece of graffiti art for Tinsley Canal? The Carers Project in partnership with Sheffield River and Canal Trust are offering free graffiti art sessions in March and April for unpaid carers and their cared for adult with a mild/moderate learning disability and or autism.

  • NCVO Launch Research into Diversity and Volunteering

    NCVO Launch Research into Diversity and Volunteering

    The National Council for Voluntary Organisations have announced research plans for 2020 looking into what diversity means to volunteer-involving organisations .The first stage* (spring 2020) will review existing evidence and
    getting feedback from organisations about what they’re doing and their experiences to date by conducting interviews and
    developing case examples.

  • Free Fitness Day Pass for Disability Sheffield Users

    Free Fitness Day Pass for Disability Sheffield Users

    Working in partnership with Sheffield International Venues ( SIV ), we are providing FREE fitness passes for our users so that we can improve the fitness experience for disabled people across the city. We need your help to do this! Simply visit “Free Day Pass”, to get your pass and use it! You’ll be asked to provide some feedback through your email to let SIV know about your experience.

  • BBC Red Button Teletext Saved from Switch Off

    BBC Red Button Teletext Saved from Switch Off

    The BBC Red Button Teletext Service has been saved from switch off after the NFBUK and British Deaf Association handed in a petition to the Director General of the BBC.Disability Sheffield backed the petition along with 174 other organisations from across the UK including Age UK and the National Association of Deafened People (NADP).

  • T-shirts On Sale To Help PIP Recording Appeal

    T-shirts On Sale To Help PIP Recording Appeal

    If you want to really show your support for DPAC Sheffield and their campaign to ensure Personal Independence Payments interviews are recorded you can now get it on your chest. The local branch of Disabled People Against Cuts has now had t-shirts printed bearing the slogan ‘Put PIP assessments on the record’ which you can buy for £10, or £13 if you need it posted. Money raised will go towards their crowdfunder to buy equipment which can be lent out to disabled people applying for the benefit

  • #SpeakUp grant applications are now open

    #SpeakUp grant applications are now open

    #SpeakUp is back! Healthwatch have launched the third round of their small grants programme, designed for community, voluntary, and not-for-profit groups to help their communities to speak up about their health and social care. Applications are open until 27th February 2020.

  • Learning Disability England Annual Conference

    Learning Disability England Annual Conference

    The 2020 Learning Disability England conference takes place on 13th February 2020. This year the theme of the event is inclusion, with the conference title: ‘Including Everyone – What next?’

  • Free SODiT Workshops & Events for 2020

    Free SODiT Workshops & Events for 2020

    Survivors of Depression in Transition are hosting a number of free workshops and events throughout 2020, starting February 13th at The Circle.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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