07 April 2020
The Disability Benefits Consortium has written an open letter to Therese Coffey, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, to call for emergency changes to the benefits system to ensure disabled people are protected from further physical and financial harm during the Covid-19 crisis. The Consortium has separately recommended that the DWP should engage more with disabled people in formulating policies and processes which affect them.
FULL ARTICLE07 April 2020
Nearly 2,000 people have signed an open letter to NHS England, stating the need for the rights of disabled people to be upheld during the Coronavirus crisis. The letter reminds those in authority how the NHS is built on the principle that we are each equal in dignity and how it has a commitment to protect rights to life and to health, no matter who we are.
FULL ARTICLE03 April 2020
To help UK health and social care workers respond to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) has created a FREE, open access Coronavirus e-learning programme. The course is available to the entire UK health and care workforce, including people working in the NHS, the independent sector and social care.
FULL ARTICLE03 April 2020
The National Fraud Reporting Centre has reported a new trend in scams relating to Coronavirus (COVID-19) and disabled people may be particularly at risk. We have collected together information on some of the latest Coronavirus scams to help you protect yourself and those around you.
FULL ARTICLE03 April 2020
The four UK Arts Councils have commissioned a feasibility study to determine whether a UK wide arts access card scheme is wanted, is needed and is financially possible. The feasibility study is seeking additional detailed feedback from disabled and D/deaf people and disability organisations throughout the UK, on key questions which will determine the scope and some operational aspects of the scheme.
FULL ARTICLE03 April 2020
Do you have a learning disability or autism? Sheffield Voices, our learning disability and autism group, is offering a space where people can connect with each other, have some fun and find out information. Sheffield Voices Coffee Mornings take place every Tuesday and Thursday at 11am until 12pm, that’s for one hour on “ZOOM”, which is an online meeting space.
FULL ARTICLE01 April 2020
There are growing concerns that people with specific medical conditions who are unable to shop for food are still not recognised as eligible for an emergency government delivery scheme. People who need to be self-isolating are still having to visit shops in person as they cannot get the help they need, nor any timeslots they need for online delivery. Remember to keep up to date with the Disability Sheffield Coronavirus Information and Support page, where you can find information about local support groups that provide help with shopping or know of deliveries from food shops in your area.
FULL ARTICLE01 April 2020
The Government has fast tracked the Coronavirus Act 2020 which contains ‘emergency powers’ to enable public bodies to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. During the emergency period there is no longer a duty to carry out formal assessments, including financial assessments, to allow the provision of urgent care to people without a full Care Act assessment and, therefore, to prioritise the provision of care and support.The changes to duties under the Care Act 2014 has worried many care users and disability groups. You can download a template letter to write to directors of social care in your local authority to express your concerns about the Act.
FULL ARTICLE30 March 2020
Staying home for weeks on end can be difficult, so we have put together some useful websites offering ideas on how to keep busy while self-isolating or social-distancing. You’ll never be bored again.
FULL ARTICLE30 March 2020
Our Coronavirus information and Support page contains tips for disabled people to continue exercising at home. Just click on the Physical Health and Exercise link at the top of the page. This includes chair based workouts from Get Yourself Active and SIV home workouts now that the venues are closed and the Exercise Referral Scheme has been postponed.
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