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  • Sheffield Libraries Need your Help to Create a Covid 19 Archive

    Sheffield Libraries Need your Help to Create a Covid 19 Archive

    The documents that are always of most interest to historians and researchers are the voices of ordinary people. That’s why Sheffield Libraries are encouraging you to record your experiences of these times during the Coronavirus pandemic, as they happen. “Everyone’s experience is relevant – we’d like you to record how you are being affected – family life, work, school, shopping, neighbourhood support networks, exercise etc. Everyone can take part.”

  • Smokers in Sheffield Encouraged to 'Quit for Covid'

    Smokers in Sheffield Encouraged to 'Quit for Covid'

    Smoking harms the immune system, reducing the body’s natural protection against infections, like Coronavirus.Smokers are therefore at greater risk of getting acute respiratory infections, having an infection last longer and that infection being more serious than it would be for someone who does not smoke. Smokefree Sheffield is encouraging smokers in Sheffield to “Quit for Covid’.

  • Mind and Body : How to stay Fit and Healthy at Home

    Mind and Body : How to stay Fit and Healthy at Home

    Nurturing your mental wellbeing and finding ways to exercise and stay active is essential for good physical and mental health. Many organisations have produced dedicated webpages to help you during the Coronavirus outbreak including Every Mind Matters, Sheffield Mind and Move More Sheffield

  • Government Guidance for People Receiving Direct Payments

    Government Guidance for People Receiving Direct Payments

    This long awaited guidance is for people receiving a direct payment, a personal budget or personal health budget. It includes Frequently asked Questions and Answers, mostly aimed at direct payment holders, that directly responds to questions and concerns previously raised by direct payment holders, personal assistants, and charities and organisations that support them.

  • Getting to an Essential Appointment During Coronavirus

    Getting to an Essential Appointment During Coronavirus

    During the current lock-down many people still have essential hospital appointments they need to attend, but there are several common questions patients are asking about how services have been affected by Coronavirus.Healthwatch Sheffield has put together a Healthwatch Helpsheet to help you called “Getting to my essential appointment”.

  • Post Office Launches New Cash Delivery Option

    Post Office Launches New Cash Delivery Option

    Cash delivery payments are now available for the most vulnerable individuals who are shielding at home thanks to a joint scheme from the Post Office and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

  • MPs ask 'Have you been able to get the food you need during the Coronavirus pandemic?'

    MPs ask 'Have you been able to get the food you need during the Coronavirus pandemic?'

    MPs have created a survey seeking a range of views from the public on whether the response of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to the Coronavirus has been sufficient.The answers and examples to this survey will be used by the Committee to inform future questioning to the Government and the survey will be open until 5pm on 28th April.

  • Join Us on Video to Talk About the Lockdown

    Join Us on Video to Talk About the Lockdown

    Hear what it’s really like being in lockdown from people with learning disabilities or autism as we discuss our experiences of being in isolation and invite you to take part. In our video members of the public join our learning disability group, Sheffield Voices, on webcam and talk about the good and the bad things about being in lockdown, social distancing and self isolating. We hope you’ll join in the conversation with us next time.

  • Coronavirus Testing for PAs

    Coronavirus Testing for PAs

    The Government’s National Coronavirus Testing Programme has now expanded capacity to test other frontline workers, including all personal care assistants (PAs) who are having to self-isolate due to having coronavirus-like symptoms or because a member of their household has symptoms.We have posted the latest details on how your PA can self refer for a test in Sheffield. PAs eligible for testing should be swabbed as soon as possible within 5 days of developing symptoms. Household members should be swabbed within 10 days of developing symptoms.

  • Tell the NHS about Your Experience of Coronavirus

    Tell the NHS about Your Experience of Coronavirus

    The National Health Service is asking members of the public to give information about their experiences of coronavirus as part of a major survey, which will help the NHS understand more about how and where the virus is affecting people now. By answering some quick questions, people can help the NHS plan its response to coronavirus. The National Charity Rethink Mental Illness Charity and on a more international scale the “Covid-19 Disability Rights Monitor” are also seeking your views.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback