Disability Sheffield
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Blog/Latest News

  • Goodbye and Hello to Our Trustees

    Goodbye and Hello to Our Trustees

    To commit to volunteering as a trustee is a big responsibility. We’ve been very lucky to have benefited from the fantastic knowledge and contribution of our trustees Kate, Natalie and Adam. As we say goodbye and a massive thank you to them, we welcome ‘on board’ four new trustees, Die, Emmanuela, Robert and Stephanie . Thank you for choosing to support Disability Sheffield and our work.

  • New Adult Autism Support Hub

    New Adult Autism Support Hub

    Sheffield has a new Adult Autism Support Hub offering free support to autistic people, aged 16 and above, and their (informal) carers and families. The team is able to provide helpful information and advice and support you to connect with local community groups. You can also get involved in their ongoing co-production activities to help design the service.

  • Bags of Taste Delivered to your Door

    Bags of Taste Delivered to your Door

    Bags of Taste offers a free mentored home cooking course to learn how to make delicious, healthy meals cheaply and designed to be done at home at your own pace over Whatsapp or over the phone. To get you started, they send you a free bag of food to your door with all the ingredients you’ll need for 7 meals.

  • Sheffield City Goals - Opportunity to give feedback

    Sheffield City Goals - Opportunity to give feedback

    Sheffield is continuing on a journey of setting Goals for the city. These aim to give a picture of what we want our city to be like in the future with Goals that citizens, businesses, leaders, educators, and more can focus on and invest in. You can either give your thoughts on the final draft of the goals or join a session with us to share views through conversation with other disabled people in our city.

  • Blue Badge holders - Views sought on Electric Vehicle Charging Points

    Blue Badge holders - Views sought on Electric Vehicle Charging Points

    Are you a driver or someone who uses blue badge spaces? If so you might be interested in hearing about and sharing your thoughts on some current work on Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points.

  • Replacement Household Appliances

    Replacement Household Appliances

    LEAP (Local Energy Advice Partnership) provides advice and home visits But did you know they also support fuel poor and vulnerable households through the replacement of old, inefficient fridges, freezers, fridge-freezers, washing machines, and electric cookers with modern, efficient alternatives?

  • FREE Training for PAs and Individual Employers

    FREE Training for PAs and Individual Employers

    Working in partnership with Skills for Care, Disability Sheffield have launched a range of FREE Individual Employer and Personal Assistant Training sessions to help you improve your skills and confidence as an Employer or PA.

  • Warmest Festive Greetings from Everyone at Disability Sheffield

    Warmest Festive Greetings from Everyone at Disability Sheffield

    Season’s Greetings and best wishes for a Happy Christmas and New Year from all our staff, volunteers and trustees. Please note that our office is closed between Monday 25th December until Tuesday 2nd January 2024. Read on for useful contacts over the holiday and advice on staying well.

  • Discover The Social Model...And More

    Discover The Social Model...And More

    A Sheffield venue is this week presenting the first part of an event aimed at providing new perspectives on disability.
    Theatre Deli on Arley Street is playing host to The Social Model…And More Festival 2023, curated by artist Caroline Mawer, exploring new perspectives on disability and the relationship between disabled people and the world.

  • The Amazing Impact of Inclusive Cycling

    The Amazing Impact of Inclusive Cycling

    Our inclusive cycling project, Sheffield Cycling 4 All, launched their first ever public impact report at their recent 15th birthday party. It describes their achievements providing statistics and personal stories showing how the project promotes wellbeing and supports a healthier lifestyle. Their new Autumn/Winter timetable starts on 30th October with sessions from 10.30am to 1.30pm.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback