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  • Not Enough Support for Disabled People!

    Not Enough Support for Disabled People!

    Disability charities have criticised the government for failing to provide adequate support for people with disabilities amid the cost of living crisis in an open letter to the Prime Minister. Campaigners have also created a petition calling on the government to make disabled people eligible for the £650 one-off payment that has been announced for carers.

  • Easy Read Guides To Help with the Cost of Living

    Easy Read Guides To Help with the Cost of Living

    The cost of living crisis is difficult enough for everyone but people with learning disabilities and autism are likely to find it even harder to access information. Fortunately several organisations have set out information about ways to cope in an easy read format, including Learning Disability England, Mencap, Inclusion London and Speakup Self Advocacy.

  • Youth Innovation Fellowship

    Youth Innovation Fellowship

    The Policy Centre for African Peoples, which works to enable African and disadvantaged people of all ethnic origins to improve their lives through education, leadership training and social engagement, is looking to support up to ten young people aged 18-25 who have lived experience of either poverty, mental health or discrimination, as Youth Innovation Fellows.

  • Information to Help With the Cost Of Living

    Information to Help With the Cost Of Living

    Times are tough, with disabled people often feeling the impact of the current cost of living crisis more than others. So, as we come across any information produced to help you to ease the cost of living, we’ll be sure to let you know. Here’s the latest, which includes Sheffield City Council’s new ‘Cost of Living Support Document’ and GOV.UK’s new ‘Help For Households’ page with information about the Energy Price Guarantee.

  • Look In The Mirror For 'Dis Life'

    Look In The Mirror For 'Dis Life'

    National newspaper The Daily Mirror is standing up for disability rights by running a regular column written by a member of a top campaigning organisation. Disability Rights UK (DRUK) Communications Manager Anna Morell now writes a weekly column entitled ‘Dis Life’. The latest column looks at why publicly available wheelchairs so often don’t grant disabled people independence.

  • Employment Personal Development Courses

    Employment Personal Development Courses

    The next Healthy Mind 6-week personal development course at Big Ambitions begins on 6th October 2022. The behavioural change course is designed to improve participants’ wellbeing, confidence and mental health. You must be resident in the UK, unemployed and/or Economically Inactive to attend. The Endorphins Group offers a similar Empower Course though the course dates in Sheffield are yet to be determined.

  • Launchpad at Sheffield Theatres

    Launchpad at Sheffield Theatres

    Do you have passion for drama and performance and would you like to develop your skills? If so,Launchpad is offering workshops for adults with Learning disabilities and/or Autism to develop personal,social and performance skills and work towards creating a piece of performance to share in the Playhouse theatre in March 2022.The application deadline is Monday 10th October.

  • Employment Support for Young Adults with SEND

    Employment Support for Young Adults with SEND

    Autism Plus is offering a new free employment support programme for young adults ( 18 -24 yr olds) with SEND in Sheffield. The programme is person centred, delivered on a 1-1 basis with some optional group sessions, focusing on areas such as confidence boosting, identifying and understanding their own needs, independence skills, money management, preparing for interviews and reasonable adjustments in the workplace.

  • Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II

    Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II

    We are saddened by the death of Queen Elizabeth II and wish to voice our respect and thanks for her selfless service to our country through seven decades. We particularly thank the Queen for her commitment to charitable work, not only as Patron of 600 charities, but also for the honours she bestowed on many citizens highlighting their tireless charitable work in their own communities.

  • Direct Payment Support Service

    Direct Payment Support Service

    A new service has been set up to support adults and children in Sheffield who receive a direct payment and “want to get the most out of their care money and achieve their goals”.It is run by Penderels Trust and funded by Sheffield City Council.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback