29 March 2018
Our local consumer watchdog for health and social care services, are asking for your help to set their priorities. Healthwatch Sheffield have created an online survey for you to have your say on what they should focus their efforts on over the next two years. The survey closes April 27th.
FULL ARTICLE29 March 2018
Local organisation, Reach South Sheffield, working with people living in the communities of Gleadless Valley, Lowedges, Batemoor and Jordanthorpe, to overcome barriers and inequalities, has announced their latest range of community learning courses.
FULL ARTICLE29 March 2018
A recent move by businesses to stop using plastic straws in a bid to be more eco-friendly has caused some concern in parts of the disabled community.Many cafes, bars and restaurants throughout the UK are stopping using plastic straws, which has unforeseen consequences for disabled people, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson says.
FULL ARTICLE28 March 2018
Sheffield Trades Union Council has commissioned researchers from Middlesex,Staffordshire Universities and Sheffield Hallam University to undertake research to support the Sheffield Needs A Pay Rise campaign. The research will focus on and seek to capture the experiences of people, including disabled people, who are or have been in low paid and insecure employment (zero hours contracts, temporary and part time work) plus any impact on claiming benefits, including Universal Credit. A focus group for disabled people is planned for w/c 16 April if you would like to take part.
FULL ARTICLE22 March 2018
Take steps to stay as fit as possible in more free dancing sessions taking place at Firvale Community Hub on Wednesdays from 1.15-3.15 and Balfour House, Stocksbridge on Thursdays from 1.30-3.30pm plus female-only sessions on Mondays from 1.30-3.3opm at the U-Mix Centre, Asline Road, Lowfield. Get Dancing!!
FULL ARTICLE22 March 2018
Channel 4’s guide includes a range of practical advice on how to find disabled talent, how to make a company more attractive to disabled people , ways to offer support to disabled employees and 5 good reasons for employing disabled people.
FULL ARTICLE22 March 2018
The National Audit Office has revealed in a report this week that staff at the Department for Work and Pensions have made errors resulting in around 70,000 disability benefits claimants not receiving their full entitlement, between 2011 and 2014 during a government overhaul of incapacity benefits when claimants were transferred from older benefits on to Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).
FULL ARTICLE22 March 2018
British Sign Language (BSL) week celebrated this month what the British Deaf Association calls the nation’s ‘fourth indigenous language’,raised awareness of the United Kingdom’s Deaf community and provided a platform for Deaf people to proudly promote their language and culture.
FULL ARTICLE21 March 2018
Emily Webster, a final year student at Sheffield Hallam, who has a genetic degenerative hearing impairment, doesn’t think so and is writing a dissertation and report to take to her MP. Can you help by completing her questionnaire and giving your views?
FULL ARTICLE14 March 2018
Healthwatch Sheffield is hosting a workshop with Citizen’s Advice Deaf Advice Team and Disability Sheffield, where commissioners and providers of Health and Social Care can share their responses to the recommendations of our ‘Not Equal’ Report. The workshop will take place on Friday 23 March from 10am to 12noon at The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane Sheffield S1 4FW.
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Andrew Crooks
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