Disability Sheffield
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  • Survey Into Annual Health Checks

    Survey Into Annual Health Checks

    People with a learning disability ( and/or autism ) are entitled to free Annual Health Checks from a doctor but not many people are aware of this provision including doctors and health and social care providers supporting people with a learning disability. Skills for Care are carrying out a survey to try to identify the reasons why people aren’t getting their annual health check and what can be done to improve uptake.

  • Take Part In Major UK Access Survey

    Take Part In Major UK Access Survey

    The access guide set up by powerchair user Euan McDonald MBE is once more doing what is described as the UK’s longest-running access survey – and there is a chance of prizes for all those taking part.Every year the survey aims to find out if access across the nation is improving or otherwise. This year’s survey covers all sorts of venues and attractions and asks people to nominate the best places to go.

  • Hillsborough Park - All Wheeled Bike Park Survey

    Hillsborough Park - All Wheeled Bike Park Survey

    Sheffield City Council is working with Access Sport and Sheffield Hallam University on a new open access, off-road, community all wheeled bike park based in Hillsborough Park. You can give your views on the proposal and help Sheffield City Council to make the right decision by completing their survey which closes on 26th October

  • Health and Care Survey for Over 65s

    Health and Care Survey for Over 65s

    Healthwatch Sheffield has launched a survey to find out about the experiences of people aged 65 and over who use health and/or care services. The survey involves filling in demographic information (optional) and simply ticking ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’ to 10 statements. The survey is open until Monday 9th September.

  • Experiences of Care in Sheffield Survey

    Voluntary Action Sheffield are trying to understand where the experience of going to hospital and coming back home could be improved for older people aged 55+ in Sheffield to develop recommendations for more involvement of voluntary organisations in the planning, discharge and support at home for patients and carers across Sheffield. Please can you complete their survey by 19 June.

  • Carers UK State of Caring Survey

    The 2019 State of Caring survey is now open and Carers UK are keen to make sure this year’s report reflects the diversity of carers across the UK and their caring experiences. There’s still a few weeks to go until it closes on 24th May 2019 but at this stage response numbers from LGBT and Black and Minority Ethnic carers are lower than they would like.

  • Review of National Autism Strategy wants Your Opinion

    This year the Department of health and Social Care, working with the Department for Education, will review the ‘Think Autism’ strategy and extend it to cover children as well as adults. They are asking for the views of people with autism, their families and carers to find out where improvements can be made. The consultation closes on 16 May.

  • Survey Into Personal Health Budgets Returns

    People with personal health budgets and integrated personal budgets(including personal wheelchair budgets)are being asked again this year to complete a survey designed to help improve the support for budget holders and applicants in England. The NHS has commissioned Quality Health to run the survey until 14th May 2019 to gather feedback about people’s experiences of the budgets.

  • Have Your Say on the Long Term Plan to Improve NHS Services

    By 2023 the government will invest an extra £20 billion a year in the NHS. Your local NHS wants to know what you would do to make care better. Healthwatch Sheffeld has launched a survey ‘What Would You Do?’ to gather feedback from the public about the NHS Long Term Plan.Now you can help make sure Sheffield invests the money in the right areas by sharing your ideas.

  • What Do You Think Of The Equality Hub Network?

    Sheffield’s Equality Hub Network is looking for people to give their opinion on how it is all going.The Hubs were established five years ago to give people a real voice in influencing both the work of Sheffield City Council and things in the city more generally and they would like to see if that is happening effectively. Their survey closes on 28 March.

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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback