A new survey about the impact of austerity on disabled people hopes to publish its results before the General Election takes place on December 12th and will be used as the basis for a look into the future of disability rights in Britain and a call for improvements.
The survey has been set up by DCAP and PIRC, the first a campaign group, the second an organisation which ‘works with civil society to develop stories and strategies for a more equal, green and democratic society’.
The subjects it will look at include:
- The impact of employment and equality rights on disabled workers
- How the effectiveness of these rights can be increased
- Possible threats to disabled workers’ rights.
All answers given to the survey will be kept anonymous and the organisers are hoping for a quick response. If you wish to take part you can fill it in here.
If you have any questions about this survey, or would like a copy of the final report, please contact PIRU’s researcher at equalityrightscampaign@outlook.com