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  • Improving the Adult Social Care Experience

    Improving the Adult Social Care Experience

    Sheffield citizens with experience of adult social care are invited to be be central to Sheffield City Council’s customer experience programme, identifying what is working well, what isn’t and what improvements should be made. The Council will be holding its first online meeting on Friday 4th June presenting the information gathered so far and talking through how people might want to be involved.

  • Your Views Sought for Radio 4 Social Care Programme

    Your Views Sought for Radio 4 Social Care Programme

    What have been your experiences of social care at home during lockdown and would you be willing to share them with BBC Radio 4 for a programme about social care during the pandemic due to be screened on Sunday June 6th ?

  • Dementia Action Week Call for Stories

    Dementia Action Week Call for Stories

    A leading charity representing people affected by dementia is calling for stories to show the impact of the broken care system on their everyday lives during the Covid-19 pandemic, in order to improve social care policy. The Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Action Week, which takes place 7-23 May, is bringing social care reform back to the top of the agenda saying that the social care system is no longer fit for purpose.

  • Experiences of Health, Care and Support Services in Sheffield during Covid-19

    Experiences of Health, Care and Support Services in Sheffield during Covid-19

    Each month Healthwatch Sheffield collate enquiries from members of the public, feedback from voluntary sector colleagues, and stories shared on Care Opinion about issues Sheffield people have faced while trying to access health and social care services during the pandemic. Healthwatch Sheffield also conducted a survey from late May to late July to find out how changes in Health and Social Care services caused by the pandemic affected local people, and the way they access support and have recently published their findings.

  • Living the Life You Want : Adult Social Care Review

    Living the Life You Want : Adult Social Care Review

    Sheffield City Council launches the start of their consultation today on their new Adult Social Care strategy for Sheffield over the next 5 to 10 years. Stage 1 of the review asks for your views on the proposed vision, principles and commitments of the strategy. “We don’t have all the answers. We need your wisdom, experience, and knowledge to help design our services in future. We want you to challenge our thinking, help look for solutions and really make adult social care in Sheffield the best it can be.“The consultation closes on November 29.

  • Online Workshops : Help Shape the Future of Sheffield Health and Social Care

    Online Workshops : Help Shape the Future of Sheffield Health and Social Care

    Two on-line workshops delivered via Zoom have been announced for service users and carers, during which SHSC want to explore how you would like to see them working together more closely with service users and carers/young carers. The feedback from the workshops will help guide SHSC to better co-produce the Trust’s strategies as well as improving the services and care they offer. The workshops will be running online on Thursday 9 July 10am–12 pm and Friday 10 July 2 pm–4 pm if you’d like to take part.

  • Explaining The Care Act Easements

    Explaining The Care Act Easements

    Sheffield City Council has provided information explaining the changes it may need to make, if necessary, to social care provision in accordance with the new Coronavirus Act 2020 legislation which gives the Council powers to streamline present assessment arrangements and prioritise care. These measures are referred to as the Care Act easements.

  • The Coronavirus Act 2020

    The Coronavirus Act 2020

    The Government has fast tracked the Coronavirus Act 2020 which contains ‘emergency powers’ to enable public bodies to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. During the emergency period there is no longer a duty to carry out formal assessments, including financial assessments, to allow the provision of urgent care to people without a full Care Act assessment and, therefore, to prioritise the provision of care and support.The changes to duties under the Care Act 2014 has worried many care users and disability groups. You can download a template letter to write to directors of social care in your local authority to express your concerns about the Act.

  • People Keeping Well in their Community

    ‘People Keeping Well in their Community’ is a community-based prevention activity in Sheffield that can help to prevent and delay people needing to access health and social care services.

  • Social Care Crisis and Independent Living Threat

    This month we see a little more movement on the government’s promised green paper on social care. It has taken from as far back as March 2017, when the Government said that it would publish a Green Paper on social care. Here we provide an update and link on the ‘forthcoming’ Green Paper on social care for adults, which we understand will now be published at “the earliest opportunity”.

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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback