23 October 2019
People with a learning disability ( and/or autism ) are entitled to free Annual Health Checks from a doctor but not many people are aware of this provision including doctors and health and social care providers supporting people with a learning disability. Skills for Care are carrying out a survey to try to identify the reasons why people aren’t getting their annual health check and what can be done to improve uptake.
FULL ARTICLE21 August 2019
The National Institute of Health and Social Care Excellence have published this month two quality standards related to the support of people with learning disabilities or a learning disability and autism. The standard on the care and support of people with learning disabilities growing older is a new Quality Standard.The standard on supporting children, young people and adults where there is behaviour that challenges has been updated from the original 2015 version.
FULL ARTICLE25 June 2019
“For people with learning disabilities , finding love is often more than just chemistry – it can come down to getting the right support from your staff.” So says Choice Support which is why they have set up the national Supported Loving Network and produced a series of guides on issues around sex and relationships.
FULL ARTICLE03 June 2019
A Sheffield student has won a prestigious prize for her film about the challenges facing a teenager with autism and learning disabilities. Hannah Makepeace, aged 26, and studying for an MA in broadcast journalism, produced a TV news-style clip about Osian Williams from the Peak District, which was declared the winner in this year’s Mencap Journalism Awards
As part of their Living Library events the Department Of Sociological Studies at Sheffield University is looking for people with autism and/or learning disabilities to tell their stories to social work students. The Living Library takes places on Wednesday 5th June 2019 from 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm.
FULL ARTICLE19 March 2019
Channel 4’s Dispatches series is doing a documentary on preventable deaths among people with learning disabilities with the producers wanting to speak to those who have had a bad experience in hospital/a social care setting and families who have lost a loved one with a learning disability
The team creating the documentary are also keen to have people with learning disabilities involved in the filming and production of the programme in paid roles.
FULL ARTICLE14 February 2019
Inclusion North, an organisation set up to help people with learning disabilities and autism and their families feel more included in society, have released another edition of their news bulletin. It’s full of exciting news for people with learning disabilities or autism.
FULL ARTICLE30 January 2019
People with a learning disability and autism have helped co-produce a hard-hitting video to get their ‘Work with us, not for us’ message across. It is about them being the experts on their own lives, and what good support looks like. The video, Making Plans For Nigel, named after and featuring a 1979 hit single by wacky powerpop band XTC, aims to show the way that some disabled people are often labelled against their will, patronised and not listened to.
FULL ARTICLE23 January 2019
The NHS England Easy Read Newsletter, designed for people with autism or learning disabilities and focusing on serious health issues, has produced its Winter edition.The NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Engagement Team is also looking for people to get involved in the newsletter and their work
FULL ARTICLE29 August 2018
Mencap has launched a national campaign to transform how the NHS treats people with learning disabilities in hospital and is looking for local people to tell of their experiences. If you have a learning disability and want to give your views and suggestions for improvement please complete the Sheffield Treat Me Well hospital survey produced by Sheffield Mencap and Gateway’s Hospital Campaign Group.
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